2021-04-23 09:04:36 65.4MB Multi-SensorFus
React本机传感器融合 在React Native中进行稳健的绝对3D定位,使用来利用设备加速度计,陀螺仪和磁力计的优越特性,同时减轻其负面影响。 物理数据采集是使用。 使用高质量的从输入信号中过滤掉采样数据中的噪声,并使用计算传感器融合。 :rocket: 入门 使用 : npm install --save react-native-sensor-fusion 使用 : yarn add react-native-sensor-fusion :writing_hand_selector: 例 import React from 'react' ; import { Text } from 'react-native' ; import SensorFusionProvider , { useSensorFusion , useCompass , toDegrees } from 'react-native-sensor-fusion' ; const Indicator = ( ) => { const { ahrs } = useSensorFusion ( )
2021-01-29 20:10:08 5KB react react-native native filter
国外一个非常给力的一个根据各类Sensor计算旋转角度的案例,非常有参考价值! This application demonstrates the capabilities of various sensors and sensor-fusions. Data from the Gyroscope, Accelerometer and compass are combined in different ways and the result is shown as a cube that can be rotated by rotating the device.
2021-01-28 03:42:21 4.38MB android 传感器 图计算
2019-12-21 20:27:36 102KB IMU Sensor fusion madgwick