Application of FPGA to real-time machine learning - hardware reservoir computers and software image processing [Antonik, P.][Springer,][2018] This book lies at the interface of machine learning – a subfield of computer science that develops algorithms for challenging tasks such as shape or image recognition, where traditional algorithms fail – and photonics – the physical science of light, which underlies many of the optical communications technologies used in our information society. It provides a thorough introduction to reservoir computing and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Recently, photonic implementations of reservoir computing (a machine learning algorithm based on artificial neural networks) have made a breakthrough in optical computing possible. In this book, the author pushes the performance of these systems significantly beyond what was achieved before. By interfacing a photonic reservoir computer with a high-speed electronic device (an FPGA), the author successfully interacts with the reservoir computer in real time, allowing him to considerably expand its capabilities and range of possible applications. Furthermore, the author draws on his expertise in machine learning and FPGA programming to make progress on a very different problem, namely the real-time image analysis of optical coherence tomography for atherosclerotic arteries.
2023-04-01 23:22:04 3.69MB FPGA
MSᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ 实施 。 Siddharth Bhatia,Arjit Jain,潘丽,Ritesh Kumar,Bryan Hooi。 网络会议(以前称为WWW),2021年。 MSᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ从恒定时间和内存中的多方面数据流中检测组异常。 我们为每个记录输出一个异常分数。 MSᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ建立在之上,可在多方面设置中工作,例如事件日志数据,多属性图形等。 演示版 运行bash KDD来编译代码并在KDD数据集上运行它。 运行bash DOS来编译代码并在DOS数据集上运行它。 运行bash UNSW来编译代码并在UNSW数据集上运行它。 MSᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ 将目录更改为MSᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ文件夹cd mstream 运行make来编译代码并创建二进制文件 运行./mstream -n numericalfile -c categoricalfil
假新闻 ,分类为假新闻和真实新闻。 :handshake: 小组项目 :school: :label: “如果你讲的谎言足够大并且不断重复,人们最终会相信它。只有在国家可以保护人民免受谎言的政治,经济和/或军事后果的情况下,才可以维持这种谎言。因此,对于国家来说,运用其一切力量来压制异议至关重要,因为真理是谎言的致命敌人,因此,从广义上讲,真理就是国家的最大敌人。” ( 使命 :anchor: 报告书 :books: 提议 :bookmark_tabs: 中期报告 :bookmark_tabs: 跑步 :male_sign:‍:male_sign: :female_sign:‍:female_sign: 高度 :TOP_arrow: 建议在类似Unix的系统(Linux,macOS等)上运行该应用程序。 ! 安装依赖项时,使用Windows可能会导致一些问题。 :crying_face: 0.克隆存储库 :down_arrow: git clone 或者,通过SSH克
2023-03-30 15:13:20 200.28MB JupyterNotebook
Real_Time_DataMining_Sortware 一款能实时进行文本挖掘的软件,不占用多余的存储空间,直接将采集后的数据集中存储在本地txt中,运用本软件无需进行大量的手动翻页操作,输入对应的店铺链接即可对民宿进行分析包含接结构化数据的可视化和非结构化UGC的情感分析,包含数据的实时采集/数据清洗/结构化保存/UGC数据主题提取/情感分析/后结构化可视化等技术的综合性演示demo。基于在线民宿UGC数据的意见挖掘项目,包含数据挖掘和NLP相关的处理,负责数据采集、整句切分、主题抽取、情感分析等任务。主要克服用户打分和评论不一致,实时对携程和美团在线民宿的满意度进行评测以及对额外数据进行可视化的综合性工具,多维度的对在线UGC进行数据挖掘并可视化,对比顾客直接打分的结果来看,运用机器学习的情感分析方法更能挖掘到详细的顾客意见和对应的合理评分。 软件包含数据采集(txt_analys
2023-03-18 01:22:15 1.86MB nlp demo sentiment-analysis data-spider
海洋FFT 真实的海浪仿真,主要基于,使用OpenGL计算着色器。 在签出演示视频。 为了追求更高的真实性,使用了与原始论文中提到的菲利普斯光谱。 FFT的Stockham公式用于更好地将问题映射到GPU并避免香草Cooley-Tukey算法所需的昂贵的位反转操作。 制作说明 通过git clone --recurse-submodules git://与子模块递归git clone --recurse-submodules git:// 在根目录中运行CMake 依存关系 使用我的OpenGL框架作为子模块。 参考 对于海洋物理学: , , 有关FFT及其背后的数学运算: , , , FFT视频
2023-02-22 09:58:13 13KB real-time opengl fft compute-shader
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2023-02-12 22:33:17 68B 渲染 光照模型
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2023-01-09 00:26:42 23.09MB 计算机图形
UE4公布的渲染技术细节!Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4
2023-01-06 20:14:20 2.81MB UE4 PBR
Go: Design Patterns for Real-World Projects What You Will Learn: Install and configure the Go development environment to quickly get started with your first program Use the basic elements of the language including source code structure, variables, constants, and control flow primitives Get to know all the basic syntax and tools you need to start coding in Go Create unique instances that cannot be duplicated within a program Build quirky and fun projects from scratch while exploring patterns, practices, and techniques, as well as a range of different technologies Create websites and data services capable of massive scaling using Go’s net/http package, Explore RESTful patterns as well as low-latency WebSocket APIs Interact with a variety of remote web services to consume capabilities, ranging from authentication and authorization to a fully functioning thesaurus
2022-12-28 11:04:56 10.23MB go design patterns 设计模式
2022-12-24 14:26:56 202.41MB Unity.Asset-Real