802.1as d5.0-2009 Timing and Synchronization for TimeSensitive Applications in Bridged Local Area Networks
2023-02-18 14:52:27 1.29MB protocol
协议文档 opentxs 协议的文档:请参阅content/目录。 文档格式 所有文档都是用 Markdown 编写的。 为了提高文本和差异的可读性,请硬包装 72 个字符的文本和 79 个字符的代码块。 请使用链接提交哈希,而不是分支(如果您正在查看 Github 上的文件以获取稳定链接,请按y键)。 离线渲染 文档可以通过文档生成器 v. 0.11.1 或更高版本离线呈现。 安装它(最好使用pip3而不是pip ),在mkdocs build的顶级目录中运行mkdocs build命令,将在site/目录中生成一个静态网站。 您还可以运行mkdocs serve命令并将浏览器指向 。 输出部署(目前手动)在 GitHub Pages 上,为 。
2023-02-15 10:32:48 66KB
jt-framework Jt-808协议服务端。 Docs 文档请移步: 文档请移步: 文档请移步: ChangeLog :star: New Features @Jt808RequestMsgConverter @Jt808RequestMsgHandler :lady_beetle: Bug Fixes QuickStart 1. 创建工程 创建一个空的 spring-boot 工程。 2. 添加依赖 引入为 808协议 提供的 spring-boot-starter gradle dependencies { // ... implementation group: 'io.github.hylexus.jt', name: 'jt-808-server-spring-boot-stater', version: "1.0.10-RELEASE" // ... } maven
2023-02-10 16:50:19 4.46MB jt-808 808 jt-framework 808-protocol
E-NCAP商用货车测试评价 2023 包括: Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) Driver State Monitoring (DSM) Emergency Lane Keeping (ELK) Forward Collision Warning (FCW) Global Vehicle Target (GVT) Lane Departure Warning (LDW) Intelligent Speed Limiter (ISL)
2023-02-02 14:42:56 510KB E-NCAP2023 E-NCAP货车 测试评价标准 ACC
英文官方原版的FlexRay V2.1A协议。 Disclaimer This specification as released by the FlexRay Consortium is intended for the purpose of information only.The use of material contained in this specification requires membership within the FlexRay Consortium or an agreement with the FlexRay Consortium. The FlexRay Consortium will not be liable for any unauthorized use of this Specification.
2023-01-12 11:06:32 4.55MB FlexRay 汽车总线 官方标准协议
非常详细介绍欧姆龙PLC 协议宏的使用,能使读者能够很容易的掌握协议宏的使用
2023-01-10 20:20:58 12.49MB OMRON 协议宏
2023-01-10 10:44:24 22.72MB XCP
This preface introduces the AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification. It contains the following sections: • About this book on page ix • Feedback on page xii. About this book This book is for AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Specification. Intended audience This book is written for hardware and software engineers who want to become familiar with the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) and engineers who design systems and modules that are compatible with the AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream protocol.
2023-01-09 11:33:16 446KB AMBA AXI4
2022-12-13 11:45:26 4KB protocol.h
经典的leach-mac协议文献。作者:Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan。写于2002年
2022-12-11 21:20:06 309KB leach mac协议