Texturing and Modeling 英文原版,No other book on the market contains the breadth of theoretical and practical information necessary for applying procedural methods. More than ever, Texturing & Modeling remains the chosen resource for professionals and advanced students in computer graphics and animation.
2021-07-07 20:08:26 11.81MB texture 图形学
虚幻4的程序网格示例 总览 我一直想学习如何在虚幻引擎中以程序方式生成网格,这已经有一段时间了,并且也引起了社区的关注。 在虚幻论坛上已经进行了一些很好的讨论,但是关于如何执行此操作的示例很多。 该项目的目的是提供示例,说明如何用代码生成几何图形,从简单的多维数据集到从分形算法生成的更复杂的几何图形。 我希望这成为一个社区项目,因此我将接受对新样本的拉取请求以及对我的代码的任何更正。 如果有人感兴趣,我也愿意直接添加贡献者(请参阅下面的联系信息)。 我编写的代码易于阅读,并尽力解释了此过程中的每个步骤。 有许多方法可以优化此代码以使其运行得更好,但是在前几个示例中,我想使事情保持简单。
Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach 3rd Edition 贴图和模型生成-过程生成途径 第三版
2021-06-18 12:20:29 11.81MB 过程贴图 过程文理 Procedural Texture
Unity Image 切圆角虚幻工具
2021-05-21 13:06:09 262KB Unity Image UI
可简单绘制Unity Image 多边形
2021-05-21 13:06:09 256KB Unity Image UI
Procedural Content Generation 是广泛应用于游戏开发中的技术,主要用于地下城,地形等的程序自动生成,这本书我是从外国相关网站上扒拉下来并且整合过的,是清晰版而且没有错误,尽管放心!我的世界中的地图生成在本书中也有介绍,许多种随机生成算法绝对物超所值。注意:是英文版,请配合百度翻译一起看。
Procedural UI Image v2.2Procedural UI Image v2.2Procedural UI Image v2.2Procedural UI Image v2.2
2021-05-10 17:31:38 262KB unity
Features Introduces the differences between static/traditional game design and procedural game design Demonstrates how to solve or avoid common problems with procedural game design in a variety of concrete ways Includes industry leaders’ experiences and lessons from award-winning games World’s finest guide for how to begin thinking about procedural design Summary Making a game can be an intensive process, and if not planned accurately can easily run over budget. The use of procedural generation in game design can help with the intricate and multifarious aspects of game development; thus facilitating cost reduction. This form of development enables games to create their play areas, objects and stories based on a set of rules, rather than relying on the developer to handcraft each element individually. Readers will learn to create randomized maps, weave accidental plotlines, and manage complex systems that are prone to unpredictable behavior. Tanya Short’s and Tarn Adams’ Procedural Generation in Game Design offers a wide collection of chapters from various experts that cover the implementation and enactment of procedural generation in games. Designers from a variety of studios provide concrete examples from their games to illustrate the many facets of this emerging sub-discipline.
2021-05-08 22:52:46 17.89MB игры дизайн Unity
unity3d UI插件 Procedural UI Image 2.1版; Create an infinite number of basic shapes without a ton of image resources. Control and animate border-width and border-radius. It is perfect for creating flat styled UI. Easy to understand and well-commented code along with a PDF documentation will keep this package extendable. Main features: - adjustable border radius - adjustable border width - Fall-off: can be used for soft shadow effect or glow - perfect anti-aliasing of edges at no performace cost - masking - set a sprite to fill the shape of a procedural image
2021-02-20 15:17:42 261KB Unity Unity3d UI Procedural
改进的树苗生成器 Blenders树苗树生成器附加组件的新版本,具有改进,新功能和错误修复 对于Blender 2.7: add_curve_sapling_3 对于Blender 2.8: add_curve_sapling_3_2_8 最新: sapling_4 新的替代版本“ sapling_4”(隔离版) 包括许多更改,以提高树木的可用性和外观 与较早的预设打破向后兼容性 变更记录: 重新排列界面,删除,添加,重命名设置 添加备用/相反的附件设置 自定义形状的插值更平滑 删除修剪 分割交替方向 取下锥度表冠 提高分割半径比 分割角现在是实际角度,是以前的一半 分支直线度影响所有级别 现在正曲率曲线向上分支 曲线变化与重塑一致 长度变化影响分支而无裂口 移回曲线 改善距离模式 更改为半径计算 变更分布函数 有关使用树生成器的,请参见Wiki中的。 此插件的Blender 2.7版本版本开始 到Blender Master中, 进行了少量更改。
2021-02-01 23:09:14 167KB tree generator procedural-generation blender