Network Programming with Rust_2018.1[使用Rust进行网络编程].[epub格式高清原版+示例代码],压缩包内有一个随书视频链接(官方收费视频),暂时没有找到pdf格式版本
2022-01-08 09:02:41 1.09MB Network Programming Rust
2021-12-26 09:22:37 83KB UNIX.Network
Python 3网络数据包嗅探器 一个简单的纯Python网络数据包嗅探器。 当数据包到达给定的网络接口控制器时,数据包将被分解,并将其信息显示在屏幕上。 此应用程序不依赖第三方模块,可以由任何Python 3.x解释器运行。 安装 GNU / Linux 只需使用git clone克隆此存储库,然后按照以下“部分中的描述执行packet_sniffer.py文件。 user@host:~/DIR$ git clone 其他系统 该项目取决于PF_PACKET -Windows或Mac OS X上PF_PACKET的有状态数据包筛选器。出于演示目的,您可以在Docker容器中试用此程序包。 尽管它无法完全访问您机器上的localhost,但是您仍然可以在Docker子网中嗅探并至少使模块
2021-12-14 21:33:48 22KB ctypes packet-sniffer network-programming tcp-ip
python 网络编程 twisted框架,
2021-11-29 20:48:12 10.02MB python twisted
linux socket编程,通过实例由浅入深,涵盖client/server设计,部分章节的扩展有助于深入了解TCP/IP协议。
2021-11-25 13:16:49 2.81MB linux socket network programming
2021-10-12 10:05:22 750KB 网络 编程语言
This book is for people who want to write programs that communicate with each other using an application program interface (API) known as sockets. Some readers may be very familiar with sockets already, as that model has become synonymous with network programming. Others may need an introduction to sockets from the ground up. The goal of this book is to offer guidance on network programming for beginners as well as professionals, for those developing new network-aware applications as well as those maintaining existing code, and for people who simply want to understand how the networking components of their system function.
2021-10-08 15:47:56 5.41MB program sockets Unix
Foundations of Python Network Programming, Third Edition, covers all of the classic topics found in the second edition of this book, including network protocols, network data and errors, email, server architecture, and HTTP and web applications, plus updates for Python 3. If you’re a Python programmer who needs a deep understanding of how to use Python for network-related tasks and applications, this is the book for you. From web application developers, to systems integrators, to system administrators—this book has everything that you need to know.
2021-09-26 19:45:50 5.87MB python 教程 网络编程
UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Second Edition: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-490012-X.
2021-09-24 04:09:29 5.41MB Unix Network Programming
《Network programming with Go 中英文双语对照》 Contents 目录 1. Architecture 架构 2. Overview of the Go language Go 语言概括 3. Socket-level Programming Socket 编程 4. Data serialisation 数据序列化 5. Application-Level Protocols 应用层协议 6. Managing character sets and encodings 管理字符编码 7. Security 安全 8. HTTP 9. Templates 模板 10. A Complete Web Server 一个完整的Web 服务 11. HTML 12. XML 13. Remote Procedure Call 远程过程调用 14. Network Channels 网络Channels 15. Web Sockets
2021-09-10 22:14:22 2.17MB Go 网络开发