2021-12-05 12:00:39 22KB rpm
jetson tx1 上多媒体开发指导,板载相机的图像视频拍照录制等,中文对照文档说明指导。
2021-11-24 16:20:19 613KB jetson tx1 多谋体
LEADTOOL Multimedia Suite v17.5 的算号器。 软件工程的课程上需要用到这套件,没找到好破解,就自己操作了一下。 此行为纯粹旨在“学习交流”,请勿移作他用。 不出意料的话,仅对官方155MB的Evaluation版本leadtoolsmultimedia.exe有效。 水平有限,能力一般。缺漏再说难免,愿聆高人指正。 LEADTOOLS Multimedia简介(转自慧都控件): 您可以使用LEADTOOLS Multimedia SDK创建具有专业水准的高品质的多媒体应用程序。该控件中加入了诸如捕获、播放和编辑等多媒体功能以及对最新的DirectShow过滤和许多多媒体文件格式的支持,即可以加载和转换多种文件格式(包括WAV、AVI、ASF、WMA、WMV、MPEG-1、OGG等等)。可以编程控制多媒体处理、压缩,视频和音频输入;还增加了摄像控制(亮度、对比度、缩放等等);以及更灵活的捕获选项等等更多功能。 慧都产品页面: http://www.evget.com/zh-CN/product/786/feature.aspx 商业使用请购买支持正版;码农何苦为难码农。 LEADTOOLS官方网站: http://www.leadtools.com/ 再一次,商业使用请支持正版。
2021-11-03 16:56:40 11KB LEADTOOLS Multimedia Serial SN
A book review of Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering ¾ Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Standards, by Yun Q. Shi and Huifang Sun Image and video compression is one of the turnkey technologies, and often indispensable, to visual communication and multimedia engineering. I am very please to see such timely and outstanding book, which is jointly written by two internationally well-known scholars, one from academia and the other from industry, and also a veteran contributor in the MPEG standards arena. With much interests and admiration while reading this book, I would like to highlight my perspectives in reviewing the book as follows. 1. The entire book (with 480 pages in total) consists of twenty chapters and is properly divided into four parts. The logical ordering of these chapters and their sections is excellent with balanced treatment throughout. The book has its unique way in partitioning the vast material in this field that I can not find it in any other books. 2. The fundamental theories and concepts have been contained in the first part (i.e., the first 6 chapters). They are written in a systematically manner ¾ step-by-step, clearly and succinctly. This part lays a solid foundation for the remaining parts of the book. Together with Part III commented in the following, these two parts serve as the foundation of finalized image and video compression standards. 3. The topic of Motion Estimation covered in Part III is a special pre-requisite to video compression. This part is well-written and contains many updated research results. It not only clearly describes the block-matching methodology that has been adopted in all video coding standards, but also covers two intimately related techniques ¾ Pel Recursive and Optical Flow, in order to form a complete treatment and appreciation for the entire 2-D motion estimation methods. In particular, I found that the last chapter of this part (i.e., Chapter 14) is very unique and interesting. It offers insigh
2021-11-02 14:58:00 18.96MB Image Video Compression
2021-10-28 15:03:11 69.73MB TX2 Multimedia tegra API_R28.3.2
qt 使用multimedia jrtplib 实现语音采集与rtp传输 实时语音采集 与 rt 协议传输
2021-10-21 17:19:05 1.43MB qt multimedia jrtplib 实现语音采集
English | Tuya多媒体设备嵌入式SDK 概述 多媒体SDK是Tuya IoTOS的一部分,用于开发嵌入式设备,例如IP摄像机(IPC),网络视频录像机(NVR),数字视频录像机(DVR),门铃和泛光灯。 包含C标准库,相关的头文件和文档以支持Linux,LiteOS和实时操作系统(RTOS)。 下载 IPC的SDK(标准Linux) 主线版本是最新的SDK。 API均已通过Tuya测试。 Tuya已在特定硬件平台上验证了稳定版本。 长期版本已由Tuya和开发人员在多个平台上验证。 Minline: 稳定度: 长期: 版本信息: IPC SDK(FreeRTOS) 主线: 用于IPC的SDK(LiteOS) 主线(适用于LiteOS): 长期的(对于LiteOS): 版本信息: 适用于基站和摄像头套件的SDK 主线: 1.0.4 用于XVR的SDK(NRV
2021-10-11 16:26:21 2.79MB
构建状态:构建依赖关系:https://github.com/ireader/sdk libflv Adob​​e FLV混合器/解复用器MPEG-4 AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord / AudioSpecificConfig librtmp rtmp-client:RTMP发布/播放rtm构建状态:构建依赖关系:https:// github .com / ireader / sdk libflv Adob​​e FLV多路复用器/多路解复用器MPEG-4 AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord / AudioSpecificConfig librtmp rtmp-client:RTMP发布/播放rtmp-server:RTMP服务器模块libmpeg MPEG-2 PS打包机/解包器MPEG-2 TS打包机/解包器H .264 / H.265 / AAC / MP3 librtp RFC3550 RTP / RTCP RTP与H.264 / H.265 / MPEG-2 / MPEG-4 / VP8 / VP9 RTP与G.711 /
2021-09-22 18:18:12 932KB C/C++ Multimedia
多媒体技术教程 《多媒体技术教程》从多媒体编著和数据表现、多媒体数据压缩以及多媒体通信和检索三个层面对多媒体涉及的基本概念、基本原理和基本技术进行了详细介绍。 《多媒体技术教程》每章后饮食和该章内容相关的网站和参考资源,并配有难易适当的课后练习。
2021-09-17 08:50:25 22.2MB 网络多媒体
2021-09-16 23:50:39 17MB CSS