2021-04-26 19:00:49 119B mac linux 小工具 mac工具
2021-04-23 18:27:47 9.54MB 网桥固件 刷机固件 百米刷机 波旬刷机
2021-04-04 18:11:01 429KB RTL
Intel 网卡刷 MAC Tooling
2021-04-02 14:03:14 11.87MB Intel网卡刷MAC 刷MAC工具
Hopper dmg包。打开后先安装hopperDisassemblerv4 然后打开HopperV4Patcher ,将安装好的hopperDisassemblerv4 拖进打开的HopperV4Patcher 即可
2020-04-03 15:25:06 57.84MB Hopper  Mac 工具
2020-01-03 11:23:22 230KB PG8168刷mac
蜗牛星际i211网卡改MAC工具和教程,包含eeupdate5.3和HP DOS启动盘制作工具,并写了详细刷MAC教程。亲测成功硬改了蜗牛星际i211单口网卡MAC
2019-12-21 21:51:45 2.07MB i211网卡改MAC
mac 工具redis 客户端 Medis 破解版 ,本人自用!
2019-12-21 21:39:41 34.18MB mac redis medis
PG8168 RTL8168 RTL8111b网卡MAC刷新工具 Name: PG8168 Version: V 1.20 Released By: Hau Release Date: 2008.01.07 Changed File: CLI.C PCI.H PG8168.C 8168CP.CFG 8168CP.MAP Reason: 1. Add support to RTL8168D 2. Modify 8168CP.CFG 8168CP.MAP to fix system boot fail problem. 重新修改8168网卡的MAC地址,使用PG8168有以下几种格式: 1、 如果只是想修改网卡的MAC,可以直接运行PG8168 /c xxxxxxxxxxxx,其中XXXXXXXXXXXX即网卡的12位MAC地址,这个可根据实际输入即可。回车即可完成MAC地址的写入。 2、也可以直接运行PG8169 /W参数 一个pg8168,一个8168.CFG,刷新前注意看自己pci插槽上mac地址, 把cfg文件中NODEID = 00 E0 4D 20 04 53的00 E0 4D 20 04 53更换为自己的mac地址, 注意每2个字符间的空格,然后再纯dos下运行pg8168就可以了,注意2个文件必须在同一目录下。
2019-12-21 21:19:25 51KB 8111C
Using: Intel (R) PRO Network Connections SDK v2.30.10 EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00 Copyright (C) 1995 - 2017 Intel Corporation Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution. ----------------------------------------------------- Options: /HELP or /? Displays command line help. /EXITCODES Displays exit code help. /ALL Selects all adapters found in the system. /NIC=XX Selects a specific adapter (1-32). /BUS=XX Selects PCI bus of adapter to program. Must be used with the DEV parameter to specify an adapter. /DEV=XX Selects PCI device of the adapter to program. Must be used with the BUS parameter to specify an adapter. /FUN=XX Selects PCI function of the adapter to program. Must be used with both the BUS and DEV parameters to specify an adapter. Press to continue... /DEVICE= 4 hex digit device id of card to program. /SUBDEVICE= 4 hex digit subsystem device id of card to program. /DUMP Dumps EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory contents to file *.eep and flash memory to *.bin (if available) /MAC_DUMP_FILE Dumps the MAC address to a file usable by the /A command. /MAC_DUMP Displays the adapter LAN MAC address. /MAC_DUMP_ALL Displays all the MAC addresses. /MAC_ALL_TO_FILE Dumps all the MAC addresses to a file usable by the /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE command. /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE Programs all MAC addresses from text file to a device. File should contain 13 MAC addresses (9 for PEPs and 4 custom MAC addresses), one each line. EUI48 and EUI64 formats accepted. /CB Clears bits in the EEPROM, specified in . /SB Sets bits in the EEPROM, specified in . Press to continue... /RW Reads from the EEPROM. /WW
2019-12-21 19:35:07 716KB EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00