这本书包括了PDF和本书的代码,下面是内容摘要 As a leading cross-platform toolkit for all significant desktop, mobile, and embedded platforms, Qt is becoming more popular by the day. This book will help you learn the nitty-gritty of Qt and will equip you with the necessary toolsets to build apps and games. This book is designed as a beginner's guide to take programmers that are new to Qt from the basics, such as objects, core classes, widgets, and so on, and new features in version 5.4, to a level where they can create a custom application with best practices when it comes to programming with Qt. With a brief introduction on how to create an application and prepare a working environment for both desktop and mobile platforms, we will dive deeper into the basics of creating graphical interfaces and Qt's core concepts of data processing and display before you try to create a game. As you progress through the chapters, you'll learn to enrich your games by implementing network connectivity and employing scripting. Delve into Qt Quick, OpenGL, and various other tools to add game logic, design animation, add game physics, and build astonishing UIs for games. Toward the end of this book, you'll learn to exploit mobile device features, such as accelerators and sensors, to build engaging user experiences.
2022-01-28 16:25:53 9.98MB QT 游戏编程 初学者 C++
鉴于传统图像加密技术和低维混沌加密技术各自的局限性,将Lorenz 混沌系统与数字图像置乱技术相结合,设计了一种基于三维混沌系统的数字图像加密算法.首先,对系统输出的实数值混沌序列进行预处理;其次,以此实数值混沌序列直接构造图像置乱索引矩阵;最后,以8×8 块为单位实现数字图像的空域加密,分析与仿真结果表明:预处理后的实数值混沌序列具有更强的伪随机特性,更理想的相关特性;三维混沌系统有更大的密钥空间,使算法具有很强的抗破译性和抗攻击性;系统三维输出的同时利用,可实现三个或多幅图像的并行加密,提高了算法的加
2021-12-29 11:10:26 135KB 自然科学 论文
2021-12-13 22:36:08 952KB 自然科学 论文
4.05.RK45-Lorenz-系统 自适应时间步长求解Lorenz方程
2021-11-30 08:35:23 5KB Fortran
2021-11-17 13:51:08 276KB 自然科学 论文
X = lorenz4D(tf,F,pert) 一般来说,洛伦兹模型是:(周期性的) dX[j]/dt=(X[j+1]-X[j-2])*X[j-1]-X[j]+F 我们用J=40; %变量数h=0.05; %时间步长,相当于6小时 对于输入:tf 是最终时间,F 是通常选择为 8 的扰动,pert 是扰动(在第 20 个变量中),其数量级为 10^-3。
2021-10-20 10:34:18 2KB matlab
2021-10-05 22:44:02 129KB RugeKu Proteu C51 Lorenz
2021-10-01 14:37:13 7.61MB lorenz multisim仿真
为了研究混沌系统的特性及其应用,设计了具有单个参数的简化Lorenz混沌系统的电子电路,并用分立元件进行了实验。 系统参数对应于电路元件参数。 通过调节电路中的可变电阻器,可以观察到动态行为,包括极限周期,干草叉分叉,倍频分叉,混沌以及倍频分叉导致的混沌路径。 推导了分数阶简化Lorenz系统中存在混沌的必要条件。 确定了分数阶简化Lorenz系统的最低阶以及最低阶随系统参数的变化规律。 电路仿真与实验表明,简化的Lorenz系统具有丰富的动态特性,理论分析与电路实验相互吻合。
2021-09-30 15:10:54 940KB chaos; fractional-order calculus; Lorenz
6% 2) Henon map% 3) Duffing's equation% 4) Lorenz equation%
2021-09-28 18:06:33 118KB Henonmap henonmap henon 4321