Introductory Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB: For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Nanocrystals By 作者: James R. Chelikowsky ISBN-10 书号: 3527409262 ISBN-13 书号: 9783527409266 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2019-01-04 pages 页数: (224 ) $105 Presents a unique approach to grasping the concepts of quantum theory with a focus on atoms, clusters, and crystals Quantum theory of atoms and molecules is vitally important in molecular physics, materials science, nanoscience, solid state physics and many related fields. Introductory Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB is designed to be an accessible guide to quantum theory and its applications. The textbook uses the popular MATLAB programming language for the analytical and numerical solution of quantum mechanical problems, with a particular focus on clusters and assemblies of atoms. The textbook is written by a noted researcher and expert on the topic who introduces density functional theory, variational calculus and other practice-proven methods for the solution of quantum-mechanical problems. This important guide: Presents the material in a didactical manner to help students grasp the concepts and applications of quantum theory Covers a wealth of cutting-edge topics such as clusters, nanocrystals, transitions and organic molecules Offers MATLAB codes to solve real-life quantum mechanical problems Written for master’s and PhD students in physics, chemistry, material science, and engineering sciences, Introductory Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB contains an accessible approach to understanding the concepts of quantum theory applied to atoms, clusters, and crystals. Contents Preface 1 Introduction 2 The Hydrogen Atom 3Many-electron Atoms 4The Free Electron Gas 5 Density Functional Theory 6 Pseudopotential Theory 7 Methods for Atoms 18 Methods for Molecules,Clusters,and Nanocrystals 19 Engineering Quantum Mechanics 10Atoms 11 Molecules 12 Atomic Clusters 13Nanocrystals 1Appendix A:Units Appendix B:A Working Electronic Structure Code Index
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组合数学 (英文版 第5版)(经典原版书库) 作者:Richard A.Brualdi 内容简介 《组合数学(英文版)(第5版)》是系统阐述组合数学基础,理论、方法和实例的优秀教材。出版30多年来多次改版。被MIT、哥伦比亚大学、UIUC、威斯康星大学等众多国外高校采用,对国内外组合数学教学产生了较大影响。也是相关学科的主要参考文献之一。《组合数学(英文版)(第5版)》侧重于组合数学的概念和思想。包括鸽巢原理、计数技术、排列组合、Polya计数法、二项式系数、容斥原理、生成函数和递推关系以及组合结构(匹配,实验设计、图)等。深入浅出地表达了作者对该领域全面和深刻的理解。除包含第4版中的内容外。本版又进行了更新。增加了有限概率、匹配数等内容。此外,各章均包含大量练习题。并在书末给出了参考答案与提示。
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