LPTN | | 实时高分辨率真实感图像翻译:拉普拉斯金字塔翻译网络梁洁*、曾慧*、。 在 CVPR 2021 中。 抽象的 现有的图像到图像转换 (I2IT) 方法要么受限于低分辨率图像,要么由于对高分辨率特征图卷积的计算负担过重而导致推理时间长。 在本文中,我们专注于加速基于封闭形式拉普拉斯金字塔分解和重建的高分辨率逼真 I2IT 任务。 具体来说,我们揭示了属性变换,如光照和颜色处理,更多地与低频分量相关,而内容细节可以在高频分量上自适应地细化。 因此,我们提出了一个拉普拉斯金字塔翻译网络 (LPTN) 来同时执行这两项任务,我们设计了一个轻量级网络,用于翻译分辨率降低的低频分量和渐进式掩蔽策略,以有效地改进高频分量。 我们的模型避免了处理高分辨率特征图所消耗的大部分繁重计算,并忠实地保留了图像细节。 在各种任务上的大量实验结果表明,所提出的方法可以使用一个普通 GPU 实时转换 4
2024-01-12 16:22:31 269KB Python
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Envision Image Library - Version 3.00 OVERVIEW The Envision Image Library augments Borland/Embarcadero's Delphi with powerful imaging capabilities. The library provides image file I/O for popular file formats, printing, scanning, ocr interface, and image processing features for 32 and 64 bit applications. INSTALLATION The library is deployed in a simple zip archive. Just extract the file with directories in the base directory of your choice. No registry settings, no global files in your system directories. To uninstall, just delete the folder. The design-time package need to be installed in the Delphi In the IDE of all versions, this is done from the Component | Install Packages menu. For Delphi 7, install the .\packages\En_D7.Bpl file For Delphi 2005, install the .\packages\En_D2005.Bpl file For BDS 2006, install the .\packages\En_D2006.Bpl file For BDS 2007, install the .\packages\En_D2007.Bpl file For Rad Studio 2009, install the .\packages\En_D2009.Bpl file For Rad Studio 2010, install the .\packages\En_D2010.Bpl file For Rad Studio XE, install the .\packages\En_DXE.Bpl file For Rad Studio XE2, install the .\packages\En_DXE2.Bpl file For Rad Studio XE3, install the .\packages\En_DXE3.Bpl file For Rad Studio XE4, install the .\packages\En_DXE4.Bpl file QUICK START There is a sample project file for each supported version of Delphi. For Delphi 7, .\Example\DemoD7.Dpr For Delphi 2005, .\Example\DemoD2005.bdsproj For BDS (Delphi) 2006, .\Example\DemoD2006.bdsproj For BDS (Delphi) 2007, .\Example\DemoD2007.bdsproj For Rad Studio 2009, .\Example\DemoD2009.bdsproj For Rad Studio 2010, .\Example\DemoD2010.bdsproj For Rad Studio XE, .\Example\DemoDXE.bdsproj For Rad Studio XE2, .\Example\DemoDXE2.bdsproj For Rad Studio XE3, .\Example\DemoDXE3.bdsproj For Rad Studio XE4, .\Example\DemoDXE4.bdsproj When creating a new project with the evaluation version, the appropriate path must be added to the Project | Library path options. See the options in the example projects for details. For Delphi 7, add .\Trial\D7 and the base directory For Delphi 2005, add .\Trial\D2005 and the base directory For BDS 2006 (Delphi), add .\Trial\D2006 and the base directory For BDS 2007 (Delphi), add .\Trial\D2007 and the base directory For Rad Studio 2009, add .\Trial\D2009 and the base directory For Rad Studio 2010, add .\Trial\D2010 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE, add .\Trial\DXE and the base directory For Rad Studio XE2, add .\Trial\DXE2 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE2 64 bit, add .\Trial\DXE2_64 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE3, add .\Trial\DXE3 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE3 64 bit, add .\Trial\DXE3_64 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE4, add .\Trial\DXE4 and the base directory For Rad Studio XE4 64 bit, add .\Trial\DXE4_64 and the base directory HISTORY See Version History in Help file MORE INFORMATION See the online help file: Envision.Chm On the Internet: www.intervalsoftware.com
2024-01-05 01:28:35 28.45MB Envision
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影像透视变换-图片透视变换(投影变换) python处理图片,包括图片平移,图片旋转,图片缩放,图片倾斜,透视变换。选择图片中的四个关键点和将要变换的点,用于生成新的透视图 使用平移,缩放,翻转,旋转将一张图片转换为多张图片。 参考链接: : 主框架用的这位大佬的代码,我加了透视变换和鼠标交互的功能。
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