guid生成工具,依赖.net 2.0 工具介绍:
2021-10-10 00:07:41 6KB guid 生成 工具
GT911 interfaces with the host via 6 pins: VDD, GND, SCL, SDA, INT and RESET. The INT pin of the host can be rising/falling-edge Triggered. In addition, when INT is in input state, the host should set INT to be floating, with no internal pull-up or pull-down; the host controls the RESET pin of the GT911 by outputting high or low level. To ensure reliable reset, it is recommended that RESET pin outputs low for longer than 100μs.
2021-09-08 14:46:41 452KB gt911 programming guid
SAS certification prep guid Advanced
2021-09-08 14:10:04 16.53MB SAS Advanced
Guid生成器(随机生成工具) 随机生成GUID并复制到剪切板,方便文件命名。
2021-09-08 11:26:35 523KB guid 生成
The TOEFL® Test Gives You an Advantage: Most Widely Accepted, Most Popular and Most Preferred Give yourself the advantage with the TOEFL® test, the leading English-language test for study, immigration and work. TOEFL scores are accepted by more than 10,000 universities and other institutions in over 150 countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., the United States, and all across Europe and Asia. Stand out among other applicants and get noticed with the TOEFL test.
2021-09-06 17:22:15 5.18MB toefl 4th hd offical_guid
ANSYS Fluent User's Guide用于详细了解fluent中的各功能模块,英文原版
2021-09-01 20:40:57 39.46MB ANSY Fluen User' Guid
2021-09-01 16:08:21 481KB 内存加载DLL 获取类名 guid
2021-08-25 23:10:54 35KB 更改GUID的小工具
全局唯一标识符(GUID,Globally Unique Identifier)是一种由算法生成的二进制长度为128位的数字标识符。GUID主要用于在拥有多个节点、多台计算机的网络或系统中。在理想情况下,任何计算机和计算机集群都不会生成两个相同的GUIDGUID 的总数达到了2^128(3.4×10^38)个,所以随机生成两个相同GUID的可能性非常小,但并不为0。GUID一词有时也专指微软对UUID标准的实现。 在理想情况下,任何计算机和计算机集群都不会生成两个相同的GUID。随机生成两个相同GUID的可能性是非常小的,但并不为0。所以,用于生成GUID的算法通常都加入了非随机的参数(如时间),以保证这种重复的情况不会发生。 在 Windows 平台上,GUID 广泛应用于微软的产品中,用于标识如注册表项、类及接口标识、数据库、系统目录等对象。
2021-08-16 12:22:37 16KB GUID生成器
ACE/Mini-ACE Series BC/RT/MT Advanced Communication Engine Integrated 1553 Terminal User’s Guide DDC’s ACE series of terminals (See Table XX) comprise a complete integrated interface between a host processor and MIL-STD-1553 bus, providing complete multiprotocol support of MIL-STD-1553A/B/McAir and STANAG 3838.
2021-07-29 23:51:05 7.95MB 1553b