图4.9 无线电磁指示器指示方位原理 2.基本原理 图4.10为 无 线 电 罗 盘 的 工 作 原 理 框 图。由 413节内容可知,具有“8”字形方向性图的环形天 线接收地面信标台的发射信号,为使该信号与垂直 天线接收到的信号同相叠加,先将环形天线的信号 移相90°,并经放 大 与 倒 相 后 加 给 平 衡 调 制 器 两 个 幅度相等而相位相反的信号,平衡调制器在135Hz 低频信号 控 制 下 工 作,得 到 两 个 旁 频(边 频)信 号 (见式(4.9)),然 后 与 垂 直 天 线 的 无 方 向 性 载 频 信 号进行相加,得到一个调制度是电波来向θ的函数 的调幅波信号。 该调幅波信号在超外差式接收机中进行处理, 经过混频、中放、检波等环节,得到具有方位信息的 低频信号并分成两路输出,其中一路到耳机用于人工定向;另一路经135Hz的选频放大电路, 将135Hz信号从低频信号中分离出来,放大后作为误差信号加到伺服电机的控制线圈上。同 时在伺服电机的激磁线圈中,还加有从135Hz本地振荡器直接输出的135Hz信号。 图4.10 无线电罗盘工作原理方框图 在这两个信号的共同作用下,伺服电机转动,同时带动环形天线向最小值信号的 方 向 转 动,直到转到环形天线信号为零、方向性图最小值对准导航台时为止,此时无线电罗盘中就只 有垂直天线的信号。在这个过程中,同步发送机转子和航向指示器指针都在同步转动,最终指 ·87· 无线电导航原理与系统
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动态图表示学习,动态图分析论文汇总项目 本项目总结了动态图表示学习的有关论文,该项目在持续更新中,欢迎大家看/星/叉! 如果大家有值得推荐的工作,可以在问题中提出要推荐的工作,论文下载链接及其工作亮点(有优秀代码实现的工作,会优先考虑在内)。项目中表述有误的部分,也可以在issue中提出。感谢! 引流:【这也是我们的工作,欢迎手表/星/叉】 社交知识图谱专题: : 目录如下: 静态图表示与分析工作 针对静态图表示学习以及静态图分析,挖掘领域,挑选出个人认为值得继承的引用数更高,知名度较高的或最近的一些工作。 node2vec:网络的可扩展功能学习 作者:Grover A,Leskovec J.(阿姆斯特丹大学) 发表时间:2016 发表于:KDD 2016 标签:图表示学习 概述:依据表示学习,提出了一套在网络中学习连续连续类型表示的方法,取代了传统使用人工定义的例程结构化特征的方式
We review the use of factor graphs for the modeling and solving of large-scale inference problems in robotics. Factor graphs are a family of probabilistic graphical models, other examples of which are Bayesian networks and Markov random fields, well known from the statistical modeling and machine learning literature. They provide a powerful abstraction that gives insight into particular inference problems, making it easier to think about and design solutions, and write modular software to perform the actual inference. We illustrate their use in the simultaneous localization and mapping problem and other important problems associated with deploying robots in the real world. We introduce factor graphs as an economical representation within which to formulate the different inference problems, setting the stage for the subsequent sections on practical methods to solve them.We explain the nonlinear optimization techniques for solving arbitrary nonlinear factor graphs, which requires repeatedly solving large sparse linear systems. The sparse structure of the factor graph is the key to understanding this more general algorithm, and hence also understanding (and improving) sparse factorization methods. We provide insight into the graphs underlying robotics inference, and how their sparsity is affected by the implementation choices we make, crucial for achieving highly performant algorithms. As many inference problems in robotics are incremental, we also discuss the iSAM class of algorithms that can reuse previous computations, re-interpreting incremental matrix factorization methods as operations on graphical models, introducing the Bayes tree in the process. Because in most practical situations we will have to deal with 3D rotations and other nonlinear manifolds, we also introduce the more sophisticated machinery to perform optimization on nonlinear manifolds. Finally, we provide an overview of applications of factor graphs for robot perception, showing the broad impact fa
2021-11-30 16:18:40 1.38MB Factor Graphs Robot Perception