很经典的图论教材 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 244
2021-11-10 19:48:27 6.13MB Graph Theory
The tool for visualization is Microsoft Visual C++. This popular software has the standard C++ combined with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) libraries for Windows visualization. This book explains how to create a graph interactively, solve problems in graph theory with minimum number of C++ codes, and provide friendly interfaces that makes learning the topics an interesting one. Each topic in the book comes with working Visual C++ codes which can easily be adapted as solutions to various problems in science and engineering.
2021-11-07 15:36:19 10.94MB 图论 C++ 模拟
图论 使用图算法实现有向图和加权图。 笔记 Python文件比Java文件更发达,您可能应该看看这些文件。 Python 实作 有向图(邻接表) 加权图(邻接表) 遍历 广度优先搜索深度优先搜索 最短路径 广度优先搜索最短路径(有向图) Dikstra的最短路径(加权图) 贝尔曼·福特的最短路径(加权图) 优化的Bellman Ford的最短路径(加权图) Java 实作 有向图(邻接表) 加权图(邻接表) 有向图(邻接矩阵) 加权图(邻接矩阵) 最短路径 Dikstra的最短路径(邻接表) 贝尔曼·福特的最短路径(邻接表)
2021-10-19 21:46:51 13KB Python
图论(graph theory)方面的教材,中文非扫描版,很少见的,欢迎大家下载。。。。。。。。
2021-10-15 11:28:31 562KB 图论 graph theory
2021-09-26 20:00:49 19.54MB Graph
Algebraic Graph Theory是图理论的经典教材,非影印版
2021-09-23 10:40:41 5.95MB 图理论
Introduction to Graph Theory, Robin Wilson
2021-09-20 16:30:01 13.14MB graph
好东西不多说了 图论导引 英文版 第二版 West 答案
2021-09-13 16:08:20 3.35MB 图论导引 第二版 West 答案
Modern Graph Theory.djvu 现代图论 国外研究生数学教材系列——现代图论 内容简介 Graph theory is a young but rapidly maturing subject. Even during the quarter of a century that I lectured on it in Cambridge, it changed considerably, and I have found that there is a clear need for a text which introduces the reader not only to the well-established results, but to many of the newer developments as well. It is hoped that this volume will go some way towards satisfying that need.
2021-09-13 13:26:42 9.6MB graph theory
图论导引(Introduction to Graph Theory----Gary Chartrand 图论算法经典书籍 介绍图论基本理论和经典算法实现,例如dijstra算法、最小生成树算法等
2021-09-12 21:52:30 26.75MB 图论算法