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2022-03-15 08:59:39 27.46MB FRM pdf Risk
2022-01-19 17:06:57 20.4MB Financial Econometrics
ABAP Development for Financial Accounting
2022-01-18 18:04:43 16.17MB SAP
The Second Edition of this best-selling book expands its advanced approach to financial risk models by covering market, credit, and integrated risk. With new data that cover the recent financial crisis, it combines Excel-based empirical exercises at the end of each chapter with online exercises so readers can use their own data. Its unified GARCH modeling approach, empirically sophisticated and relevant yet easy to implement, sets this book apart from others. Five new chapters and updated end-of-chapter questions and exercises, as well as Excel-solutions manual, support its step-by-step approach to choosing tools and solving problems.
2022-01-18 11:04:38 4.14MB Financial Ri Christoffers
财务情绪分析 进行实验以训练我自己的Word2vec嵌入,以便使用注意力模型进行转移学习。 (自然语言处理和深度学习)涉及对斯坦福问题解答数据集和迁移学习的实验。 这些实验背后的想法是将转移学习用于具有深度神经网络和注意力模型的无监督文本数据。 我训练有素的word2vec嵌入的代码将在以后添加库:Keras,python,pandas,nltk Tensorflow和一些sci-kit在这里和那里学习
2021-12-19 03:46:12 120KB JupyterNotebook
经典之作,不多用多介绍。欧美金融经济学或金融理论必推参考书。 John E. Ingersoll Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Based on courses developed by the author over several years, this book provides access to a broad area of research that is not available in separate articles or books of readings. Topics covered include the meaning and measurement of risk, general single-period portfolio problems, mean-variance analysis and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, complete markets, multiperiod portfolio problems and the Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model, the Black-Scholes option pricing model and contingent claims analysis, "risk-neutral" pricing with Martingales, Modigliani-Miller and the capital structure of the firm, interest rates and the term structure, and others.
2021-12-16 10:39:06 2.56MB Financial Decision Making 非扫描版
FinBERT:针对财务NLP任务的SEC文件进行了预培训 Vinicio DeSola,Kevin Hanna,Pri Nonis 模型重量 出版物 动机 目标1 FinBERT-Prime_128MSL-500K+512MSL-10K vs BERT 比较技术财务句子的LM LM预测准确性 比较类比财务关系 目标2的FinBERT-Prime_128MSL-500K vs FinBERT-Pre2K_128MSL-500K 比较来自2019年财经新闻的Mask LM预测准确性 比较财务关系的类比,衡量理解的转变:1999年与2019年的风险与气候 目标3 FinBERT-Prime_1
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AWDN(2003) 引入了一种强大的数值技巧 (QUAD) 来为通用期权定价。 在此代码中,我只是为欧式看涨期权定价。
2021-12-01 15:11:26 1KB matlab
xbbg 直观的彭博数据API 特征 以下是主要功能。 Jupyter笔记本示例可在 找到。 Excel兼容输入 直截了当的盘中请求 订阅内容 要求 彭博C ++ SDK版本3.12.1或更高版本: 访问并下载C ++支持的版本 在下载的zip文件的bin文件夹中,将blpapi3_32.dll和blpapi3_64.dll复制到Bloomberg BLPAPI_ROOT文件夹(通常为blp/DAPI ) 彭博官方Python API: pip install blpapi --index-url= numpy , pandas , ruamel.yaml和pyarrow 安装 pip install xbbg 什么是新的 0.7.6a2-将blp.connect用于替代Bloomberg连接(作者anx
2021-11-30 15:30:53 591KB bloomberg financial-data Python