EEUPDATE 5 17 19 02 2010
2019-12-21 21:11:51 1.47MB mac地址更改 intel 82566
Using: Intel (R) PRO Network Connections SDK v2.30.10 EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00 Copyright (C) 1995 - 2017 Intel Corporation Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution. ----------------------------------------------------- Options: /HELP or /? Displays command line help. /EXITCODES Displays exit code help. /ALL Selects all adapters found in the system. /NIC=XX Selects a specific adapter (1-32). /BUS=XX Selects PCI bus of adapter to program. Must be used with the DEV parameter to specify an adapter. /DEV=XX Selects PCI device of the adapter to program. Must be used with the BUS parameter to specify an adapter. /FUN=XX Selects PCI function of the adapter to program. Must be used with both the BUS and DEV parameters to specify an adapter. Press to continue... /DEVICE= 4 hex digit device id of card to program. /SUBDEVICE= 4 hex digit subsystem device id of card to program. /DUMP Dumps EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory contents to file *.eep and flash memory to *.bin (if available) /MAC_DUMP_FILE Dumps the MAC address to a file usable by the /A command. /MAC_DUMP Displays the adapter LAN MAC address. /MAC_DUMP_ALL Displays all the MAC addresses. /MAC_ALL_TO_FILE Dumps all the MAC addresses to a file usable by the /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE command. /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE Programs all MAC addresses from text file to a device. File should contain 13 MAC addresses (9 for PEPs and 4 custom MAC addresses), one each line. EUI48 and EUI64 formats accepted. /CB Clears bits in the EEPROM, specified in . /SB Sets bits in the EEPROM, specified in . Press to continue... /RW Reads from the EEPROM. /WW
2019-12-21 19:35:07 716KB EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00
搜了网站的版本都比较老,于是上传一个比较新的版本给有需要的人 ---------------------------- 使用方法: 1. 将附件解压缩并复制到U盘DOS启动盘, 2. 开机引导进入DOS启动盘后,输入EEUPDATE命令并敲回车,确认Intel网卡这张网卡的NIC号是0还是1 3. 输入Eeupdate -nic=X -mac=********(X=Intel网卡的NIC号,*****=你们MAC的12位地址
2019-12-21 18:49:55 708KB intel eeupdate 网卡