Spanner is Google’s scalable, multi-version, globallydistributed, and synchronously-replicated database. It is the first system to distribute data at global scale and support externally-consistent distributed transactions. This paper describes how Spanner is structured, its feature set, the rationale underlying various design decisions, and a novel time API that exposes clock uncertainty. This API and its implementation are critical to supporting external consistency and a variety of powerful ...
2022-07-12 20:05:19 323KB 数据库
DB - Fast and General Distributed Transactions using RDMA and HTM.pdf Recent transaction processing systems attempt to leverage advanced hardware features like RDMA and HTM to significantly boost performance, which, however, pose several limitations like requiring priori knowledge of read/write sets of transactions and providing no availability support. In this paper, we present DrTM+R, a fast in-memory transaction processing system that retains the performance benefit from advanced hardware
2022-07-12 09:07:00 527KB 数据库 事务 RDMA HTM
Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications.pdf Updating an index of the web as documents are crawled requires continuously transforming a large repository of existing documents as new documents arrive. This task is one example of a class of data processing tasks that transform a large repository of data via small, independent mutations. These tasks lie in a gap between the capabilities of existing infrastructure.
2022-07-12 09:06:59 203KB 数据库 分布式事务 事务
The common wisdom is that distributed transactions do not scale. But what if distributed transactions could be made scalable using the next generation of networks and a redesign of distributed databases? There would be no need for developers anymore to worry about co-partitioning schemes to achieve decent performance. Application development would become easier as data placement would no longer determine how scalable an application is. Hardware provisioning would be simplified as the system ...
2022-07-12 09:06:53 408KB 数据库 分布式事务 事务
We live in an increasingly interconnected world, with many organizations operating across countries or even continents. To serve their global user base, organizations are replacing their legacy DBMSs with cloud-based systems capable of scaling OLTP workloads to millions of users. CockroachDB is a scalable SQL DBMS that was built from the ground up to support these global OLTP workloads while maintaining high availability and strong consistency. Just like its namesake, CockroachDB is ...
2022-07-12 09:06:50 1.71MB 数据库 CockroachDB
DB - Consistency Tradeoffs in Modern Distributed Database System Design The CAP theorem’s impact on modern distributed database system design is more limited than is often perceived. Another tradeoff—between consistency and latency —has had a more direct influence on several well-known DDBSs. A proposed new formulation, PACELC, unifies this tradeoff with CAP.
2022-07-11 14:07:34 562KB 数据库 CAP 分布式一致性协议
Title : Designing Distributed Systems Using Approximate Synchrony in Data Center Networks.pdf Distributed systems are traditionally designed independently from the underlying network, making worst-case assumptions (e.g., complete asynchrony) about its behavior. However, many of today’s distributed applications are deployed in data centers, where the network is more reliable, predictable, and extensible. In these environments, it is possible to co-design distributed systems with their network
DB - Paxos vs Raft - Have we reached consensus on distributed consensus.pdf Distributed consensus is a fundamental primitive for constructing fault-tolerant, strongly-consistent distributed systems. Though many distributed consensus algorithms have been proposed, just two dominate production systems: Paxos, the traditional, famously subtle, algorithm; and Raft, a more recent algorithm positioned as a more understandable alternative to Paxos.
2022-07-10 21:03:31 508KB 数据库 分布式一致性协议 paxos raft
openGauss_3.0.0 分布式镜像(openGauss-distributed-CentOS-x86_64.tar.gz)适用于centos_x86_64
2022-07-01 09:06:21 625.12MB openGauss
经典教材及参考书,英文版parallel distributed simulation system 作者Richard M. Fujimoto,本领域必看的专业书籍
2022-06-19 22:39:22 2.33MB 分布式 并行 系统