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2022-01-27 21:53:40 707.24MB n1 数码视讯Q5 S905 armbian
滚动视频 微信小程序视频上下滑动播放方案 视频滑动播放的两种方案: Swiper + Video,使用Swiper合并视频进行视频播放,小程序v2.4.0起Video组件支持同层渲染,大体思路是保证一个视频组件,记录Swiper的电流,并与此swiper-item的下标做比对,来对比当前索引和current是否一致,一致则展示Video组件。 滑动效果比较好,还有优化的,怎么预加载,怎么放置3个Video组件进行预加载的问题。 平移画,模拟上下滚动的效果。大体思路是固定的一个视频组件,把封面图平铺在视频组件上,根据手势滑动的范围,确定上滑或倾斜,通过改变translateY,切换视频源播放。 滑动效果不是很好,无法做到手指跟随。 Vide组件加载视频黑屏慢的可能解决方案 video组件在播放视频的时候会黑屏,或者正在加载时间长,这有几种方案替代参考,排除网络问题。 视频编码格式的问题,将
2021-12-21 11:00:14 114KB 系统开源
主要介绍了关于Tomcat出现The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resourc...的问题,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
2021-12-15 01:23:10 371KB Tomcat 报错 Tomcat The
2021-12-10 20:45:29 392KB BOOST 恒流
Some general considerations about multiple-loop feedback are discussed, and it is concluded that incorporation of a current-programmed power stage into a "new" power stage model is both justified and useful. A new circuit-oriented model of the current feedback path is derived which augments the well-known power stage canonical circuit model.
2021-12-09 12:01:17 3.16MB Regulator Modeling buck Middlebrook
System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch Unleashed By 作者: Kerrie Meyler – Gerry Hampson – Saud Al-Mishari – Greg Ramsey – Kenneth van Surksum – Michael Wiles ISBN-10 书号: 0672337908 ISBN-13 书号: 9780672337901 PEARSON版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-05-07 pages 页数: 1799 System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch provides a total systems management solution for a people-centric world. It can deploy applications to individuals using virtually any device or platform, centralizing and automating management across on-premise, service provider, and Microsoft Azure environments. In System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch Unleashed, a team of world-renowned System Center experts shows you how to make the most of this powerful toolset. The authors begin by introducing modern systems management and offering practical strategies for coherently managing today’s IT infrastructures. Drawing on their immense consulting experience, they offer expert guidance for ConfigMgr planning, architecture, and implementation. You’ll walk through efficiently performing a wide spectrum of ConfigMgr operations, from managing clients, updates, and compliance to reporting. Finally, you’ll find current best practices for administering ConfigMgr, from security to backups. Detailed information on how to: Successfully manage distributed, people-centric, cloud-focused IT environments Optimize ConfigMgr architecture, design, and deployment plans to reflect your environment Smoothly install ConfigMgr Current Branch and migrate from Configuration Manager 2012 Save time and improve efficiency by automating system management Use the console to centralize control over infrastructure, software, users, and devices Discover and manage clients running Windows, macOS, Linux, and UNIX Define, monitor, enforce, remediate, and report on all aspects of configuration compliance Deliver the right software to the right people with ConfigMgr applications and deployment types Reliably manage patches and updates
2021-11-28 10:26:14 35.93MB Design
2021-11-27 17:33:00 139KB fdtd 电流电荷密度 电流密度
2021-11-12 18:23:17 33.7MB openvas
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2021-11-09 18:05:28 1.49MB 电流传感器
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