2021-06-29 14:00:08 692KB 云安全
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2021-05-19 10:55:29 3.02MB MyEclipse6.0.1
2021-05-14 11:07:08 566KB 南大 软院 马拉松
2021-05-11 20:11:20 239KB COMPANY
英文原版PDF文件,非扫描件。 Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company’s Web Site 英文版非扫描 By Mike Moran and Bill Hunt Second Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-606868-6, © 2009, 672 pages Search Engine Marketing, Inc., is a no-nonsense book about developing and implementing a search marketing program in your business. Full of explanations of both the business and technical aspects of search marketing, a beginner can learn each step—but this book is also full of tips that even experienced search marketers may not know. More than just quick fixes, this book offers timeless strategies for implementing a search engine marketing program in your business—one that delivers long-term results. Your search marketing program must focus on your Web site’s underlying goals (such as sales) rather than fixating on your rankings in search results. The second edition updates all chapters with the important developments in search marketing, including the sea change in paid search toward hybrid auctions, the advent of sitemaps to index your organic content, new keyword tools, and more. In addition, two brand-new chapters have been added: Explore New Media and Social Media: Find out how videos, podcasts, and other new kinds of media are sudden;y showing up in “blended” search results. And learn how you can get customers to pass along your marketing message through social media. Optimize Your Web Site Search: You’ve already learned so much about how organic search works. Why not apply that knowledge to improve the results of the search engine on your own Web site? Find out how a little extra knowledge can send you on your way to help your customers find what they are looking for once they are on your Web site. The second edition also adds a companion DVD with even more from Mike and bill, including over two hours of video presentations, audio podcasts, white papers, magazine columns, and more. This book is: A step-by-step guide to setting up and managing a
2021-04-28 23:34:09 15.48MB 原版 英文版 扫描 SEO
Adonis API应用程序 这是在AdonisJs中创建API服务器的样板,它已预先配置。 人体分析仪 验证 CORS 清醒的ORM 迁移与种子 设置 使用adonis命令安装蓝图 adonis new yardstick --api-only 或手动克隆存储库,然后运行npm install 。 移居 运行以下命令以运行启动迁移。 adonis migration: run
2021-03-19 10:10:18 105KB JavaScript
快速启动GoTop Media 使用GoTop开发Magento✓自定义Magento开发✓我们建设Magento网站已有10多年的历史。 :right_arrow:联系我们 支持语言:English
2021-03-10 09:09:51 46KB 开发者工具
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2021-03-06 20:06:21 11.65MB JupyterNotebook
配对项目公司 这个专为初创公司设计的项目,最多只能容纳5至15人。 它将处理来自用户,经理和首席执行官的数据。
2021-03-02 09:07:03 252KB JavaScript