需要Unity 5.2.5或更高版本。 这是14个箭头动画的集合,可以用于游戏、教育或任何其他领域。它们针对手机和个人电脑进行了优化,也为虚拟现实做好了准备。 可以更改材质的颜色和亮度。
2019-12-21 21:31:05 3.5MB unity package arrow
针对高版本matlab加载BNT工具时出现的,无法绘制箭头的问题,更新..\FullBNT-1.0.4.zip\FullBNT-1.0.4\GraphViz 文件夹中的arrow.m,记得将文件重命名为arrow.m并替换。
2019-12-21 21:10:55 58KB matlab BNT
2018年8月勒索病毒.arrow变种****@***.arrow解码工具 这是花2万从病毒发布者处获取的,根据作者所述先通过本工具点扫描,获得本机KEY,发给作者获得解密KEY,再次通过本工具解密,100%全部解开。 注意:本工具不能直接解密!!!!!必须根据扫描出的key再次生成解密代码,然后在本工具中执行解密,本工具只用于研究学习作者扫描和解密功能原理。 以下为作者邮件提示: 1) Change all user passwords to more harder. 2) Install strong antivirus like avg or eset - scan your infected machine. Protect your antivirus by pasword. 3) BEFORE decrypting system check your autorun list(and also look at the register). You must delete the virus if you find it! 4) Reboot your machines(one by one) and look to Task Manager. Does the virus will run again? If no - all is fine. 5) scan application(本工具) download this file, and add it to white list in your antivirus 6) run this application WITH ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS 7) scan local machine (don't move your files - this may compromise the integrity of the decryption process) 8) push button "Save to file" 9) send to us this file with request key
2019-12-21 20:57:10 33KB arrow病毒
支持unity5.2.5及以上版本。箭头动画;成精的箭头。 官网:https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/14-arrow-animations-95037
2019-12-21 20:21:16 64B 箭头动画 Animations unity
ARROW(Start,Stop) draws a line with an arrow from Start to Stop (points should be vectors of length 2 or 3, or matrices with 2 or 3 columns), and returns the graphics handle of the arrow(s). By itself, ARROW will use the mouse to allow selection.
2019-12-21 19:59:16 19KB Matlab arrow.m 画箭头
2019-12-21 19:46:15 19KB matlab BNT arrow.m