Web servers typically maintain log files of client accesses to the web pages that they store. Given suitable tools, these logs enable web service managers to extract and analyze useful information such as: which are the most popular pages they provide; which ip took the most pages from the site; whether other sites appear to have broken links to this site’s pages; how much data is being delivered to clients; the busiest periods over the course of a day, or week, or month. Such information might help managers to determine, for instance, whether they need to upgrade to more powerful server machines, or when the quietest periods are in order to schedule maintenance activities. The log analyzer project contains an application that performs an analysis of data from such a web server. The server writes a log line to a file each time an access is made. A sample log file called access.log is provided in the Resource division.
2022-10-10 10:45:46 14KB java
【工程源码 Quartus 时 序 约 束 教 程,本 文 由 FPGA 爱好 者 小 梅 哥 编 写,未经作者许可,本文仅允许网络论坛复制转载,且转载时请标明原作者。
2022-10-04 13:39:46 288KB FPGA
房间热力分析,Heatmap Analyzer ,Unity,热力图
2022-09-20 16:00:54 2.48MB unity 热力图 Heatmap 房间热力分析
影像分析仪 项目目标 开发一个应用程序,该应用程序实现图像分析算法,例如灰度,直方图,使用用户输入内核的卷积运算以及分水岭 图书馆/语言 t C ++ QCustomPlot(绘制直方图) 影片 演示: : 状态 卷积(用户输入的可变大小内核) 直方图(8位深度图像) 贴标 大津 构建设置 # make the project platform-specific $ qmake ImageAnalizer.pro # compile and generate the executable $ make # run $ ./OpenImageAnalysis
2022-09-17 22:47:44 628KB C++
ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer是用来分析和审计系统及事件日志的管理软件,能够对全网范围内的主机、服务器、网络设备、数据库以及各种应用服务系统等产生的日志,进行全面收集和细致分析,通过统一的控制台进行实时可视化的呈现。
2022-09-15 09:02:13 346.46MB ManageEngineEve 日志分析
Elecard Stream Analyzer是一款简单小巧的码流分析工具,通过该软件,用户可以快速的分析查看视频序列码流;软件操作简单,使用方便
2022-09-07 11:36:29 1.85MB MPEG2 工具
wifi 分析仪 android手机tv可以用, 支持2.4G 5G 查看路由的RSSI和MAC和信道情况,干扰情况
2022-09-05 16:36:50 955KB wif分析仪
airmagnet how to。airment是Fluke公司开发的一款网络诊断以及故障排查软件,AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer是一款用于移动检查和解决企业级 Wi-Fi 网络问题的行业标准工具。
2022-08-19 23:24:17 3.57MB airmagnet WiFi
ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer 12.2.1
2022-08-17 16:03:25 346.46MB LogAnalyzer
IK Analyzer 2012FF_hf1.zipIK Analyzer 2012FF_hf1.zipIK Analyzer 2012FF_hf1.zipIK Analyzer 2012FF_hf1.zip
2022-08-11 17:49:54 2.06MB IK Analyzer