端到端加密聊天 为“计算机安全”中的迷你项目课程创建的加密聊天 先决条件 如果只需要运行,则需要先使用以下命令安装Java: sudo apt install default-jdk 如果要构建和编译代码,则还需要安装Maven: sudo apt install maven 建立项目 我们提供了一个脚本外壳,用于创建一个dist文件夹,其中包含一个可执行服务器,一个可执行客户端和一个证书创建者以进行测试,可以使用以下命令运行该文件夹: ./install 运行项目 首先,您需要通过从主目录运行以下命令来运行服务器: cd ./dist/server ./server 然后,如果您还没有,请使用证书创建者创建一些密钥对作为证书。 这是通过从主目录运行以下命令来完成的: cd ./dist/client ./createCerti <k
2021-05-02 22:02:59 19.76MB Java
2021-04-29 13:03:51 9.83MB actor
2021-04-29 13:03:50 74.42MB Akka Actor模型
Building Restful APIs with Akka HTTP & Scala Akka HTTP RESTful APIs Building Reactive RESTful APIs with Scala and Akka
2021-04-02 19:35:18 1.26MB scala http restful akka
2021-03-14 19:09:56 15KB C#
2021-03-02 16:01:57 23B
阿修罗 :shinto_shrine: ( ⊙ o ⊙ ) 特性 LDAP认证和JWT签名 Swagger UI接口文档 尽可能基于框架,提供了高并发,分布,消息驱动这些应用特性和抽象模型 RESTful及Websocket的接口基于实现,所有接口都是非双重的 集成提供定时触发的机制 提供操作代理表的api,以实现动态请求路由的功能 依赖 Java8 + MySQL的 es 建立项目 首先需要确保系统已经安装了工具 执行sbt dist即可打包应用 执行sbt asura-app/run应用
2021-02-24 14:04:09 511KB scala actors akka akka-http
akka型分布式状态博客:Lightbend博客文章的同伴回购-如何使用Akka Cluster分配应用程序状态
2021-02-04 18:12:53 182KB docker kubernetes scala akka
Akka in Action》完整版。
2019-12-21 21:09:42 15.65MB Akka Scala
Akka is a Scala-based toolkit that simplifies developing concurrent distributed applications. Akka uses Actors-independently executing processes that communicate via message passing—as the foundation for fault-tolerant applications where individual actors can fail without crashing everything. Perfect for high-volume applications that need to scale rapidly, Akka is an efficient foundation for event-driven systems that want to scale elastically up and out on demand, both on multi-core processors and across server nodes. Akka in Action is a comprehensive tutorial on building message-oriented systems using Akka. The book takes a hands-on approach, where each new concept is followed by an example that shows you how it works, how to implement the code, and how to (unit) test it. You'll learn to test and deploy an actor system and scale it up and out, showing off Akka's fault tolerance. As you move along, you'll explore a message-oriented event-driven application in Akka. You'll also tackle key issues like how to model immutable messages and domain models, and apply patterns like Event Sourcing, and CQRS. The book concludes with practical advice on how to tune and customize a system built with Akka.
2014-04-19 00:00:00 14.91MB akka in action