2021-09-08 18:03:46 1KB matlab
一种迭代保留信息变量以在多元校准中选择最优变量子集的策略。 可以选择最优变量子集的方法。 在本研究中,一种考虑可能的策略提出了变量之间通过随机组合产生的交互作用,称为迭代保留信息变量 (IRIV)。 此外,变量被分为四类强烈信息量、弱信息量、非信息量和干扰变量。 在此基础上,IRIV 既保留了每个迭代轮中的强信息变量和弱信息变量,直到没有无信息和干扰变量存在。 三个数据集被用来研究 IRIV 的性能以及偏最小二乘法 (PLS)。
2021-09-04 14:53:02 745KB matlab
ISO 3951-1_5 Series - Sampling procedures for inspection by variables - 包含全部5份最新英文标准文件.7z
2021-09-02 12:01:49 26.16MB 资料
Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables (book)
2021-08-31 10:31:24 3.57MB Iterative Nonlinear Equations
Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables provides a survey of the theoretical results on systems of nonlinear equations in finite dimension and the major iterative methods for their computational solution. Originally published in 1970, it offers a research-level presentation of the principal results known at that time. Although the field has developed since the book originally appeared, it remains a major background reference for the literature before 1970. In particular, Part II contains the only relatively complete introduction to the existence theory for finite-dimensional nonlinear equations from the viewpoint of computational mathematics. Over the years semilocal convergence results have been obtained for various methods, especially with an emphasis on error bounds for the iterates. The results and proof techniques introduced here still represent a solid basis for this topic.
2021-08-21 21:17:42 3.57MB 数学
Control Expert 14.0 软件的 Unity Variables Management文件在win10下无法使用,我已经修复该脚本的错误,现在可以正常使用.方便批量修改数据库.
2021-08-18 12:53:25 647KB unity excel ExcelImportExp ControlExpert1
环境 :dashing_away: Envn 是一个零依赖模块,它将环境变量从 .env 文件加载到process.env 。 安装 $ npm install envn // or via Yarn $ yarn add envn 用法 const envn = require ( 'envn' ) 方法&&例子 envn ( { path : 'fixtures/.env' , // default: process.cwd()/.env encoding : 'utf8' , override : false , // Override the existance env variable async : false , // Load env variables asynchronous debug : false } ) ; 执照 麻省理工学院
2021-08-04 22:04:38 5KB environment-variables env esm cjs
complex variables and applications 第八版答案
2021-08-02 22:47:16 4.78MB 答案 复变函数
Complex Variables and Applications, 8th Edition by Brown, James; Churchill, Ruel Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education Copyright Year: 2009 Publishing Date: 2008/05/01 format:pdf Course: Complex Analysis Pages: 476
2021-08-02 22:46:26 13.76MB complex analysis engineering
复变函数及应用 答案Complex+Variables+and+Applications-Solutions
2021-08-01 17:45:33 3.69MB 复变函数及应用