6 Different Ways to Compensate for Missing Values In a Dataset
2021-05-18 10:01:41 978KB 机器学习
SN_29500-5_Part_5_Expected_values_for_electrical_connections,_electrical_connectors_and_sockets 可靠性设计
2021-05-15 09:01:57 175KB 可靠性设计 西门子】 SN29500
We present WiscKey, a persistent LSM-tree-based key-value store with a performance-oriented data layout that separates keys from values to minimize I/O amplification. The design of WiscKey is highly SSD optimized, leveraging both the sequential and random performance characteristics of the device. We demonstrate the advantages of WiscKey with both microbenchmarks and YCSB workloads. Microbenchmark results show that WiscKey is 2.5×–111× faster than LevelDB for loading a database and 1.6×–14× faster for random lookups. WiscKey is faster than both LevelDB and RocksDB in all six YCSB workloads.
2021-03-30 22:01:00 2.24MB KV分离
android屏幕适配 ,生成values-1280x720,values-1920x1080等的工具
2021-02-06 18:07:50 295KB android适配 生成values的工具
1.Frequent Values(poj 3368) 2.郁闷的出纳员(伸展树)
2019-12-21 22:24:27 683KB Frequent Values 郁闷的出纳员