2022-05-08 10:56:27 7.89MB TradeX.dll Trade.dll
如何写Cover Letter。有大量模板和实例
2022-04-24 17:04:49 8.51MB cover letter 求职 简历
9根据趋势进行交易。对于通常以强劲趋势移动的符号或在趋势周期内进入的任何符号都是足够的。因此,与XAUUSD(GOLD / USD)一起使用时效果很好,并且从长期来看是上升趋势,因此请仅长期使用该系统,可以提升性能。
2022-04-11 14:21:32 408KB 对冲套利EA mql5 SFEGOLD 外汇黄金EA
Import and export Darknet models(https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet ) within MATLAB deep learning networks. The importer can import all the seriesNetworks in the darknet and some simple DAGnetworks. The exporter can export all the seriesNetworks and some of the backbone networks. In addition to importing the deep neural network, the importer can obtain the feature map size of the network, the n
2022-04-07 16:16:11 302KB matlab
股票大作手操盘术英文版 翻译中参阅了一部分丁圣元老师的杰作,另一部分感觉丁老师过于模糊而靠自己半桶水英语及网络查资料得来,如有不精准请谅解
2022-04-06 01:09:58 171KB 股票大作手回忆录 howtotradein
Morse Translator:trade_mark:2是WidigSoft(R)Morse 1的版本2。 WidigSoft现在是Widigdo Studio。 此工具可以将文本翻译为莫尔斯和将莫尔斯翻译为文本。 该工具用于侦察。 功能:-酷GUI-易于翻译-复制/粘贴-快速加载-现在与Windows 8兼容且无错误
2022-03-25 15:38:18 4.24MB 开源软件
This book details the significant performance tradeoffs available in analog CMOS design and guides the designer towards optimum design by describing: An interpretation of MOS modeling for the analog designer, motivated by the EKV MOS model, using tabulated hand expressions and figures that give performance and tradeoffs for the design choices of drain current, inversion coefficient, and channel length; performance includes effective gate-source bias and drain-source saturation voltages, transconductance efficiency, transconductance distortion, normalized drain-source conductance, capacitances, gain and bandwidth measures, thermal and flicker noise, mismatch, and gate and drain leakage current Measured data that validates the inclusion of important small-geometry effects like velocity saturation, vertical-field mobility reduction, drain-induced barrier lowering, and inversion-level increases in gate-referred, flicker noise voltage In-depth treatment of moderate inversion, which offers low bias compliance voltages, high transconductance efficiency, and good immunity to velocity saturation effects for circuits designed in modern, low-voltage processes Fabricated design examples that include operational transconductance amplifiers optimized for various tradeoffs in DC and AC performance, and micropower, low-noise preamplifiers optimized for minimum thermal and flicker noise A design spreadsheet, available at the book web site, that facilitates rapid, optimum design of MOS devices and circuits
2022-03-18 21:45:50 8.82MB Analog CMOS Design
2022-03-14 22:51:09 7.02MB 神经网络 训练技巧
迄今为止,越来越多的决策得到算法的支持甚至直接假设。 因此,我们需要了解如何预防和管理那些可能被证明是错误的、不公平的或歧视性的算法选择。 算法透明性,即调查生成算法的命令序列的可能性,可以代表这个问题的解决方案,尽管是部分的。 但是,根据新的欧洲指令 2016/943,算法可以作为商业秘密受到保护。 因此,本文讨论了此类指令中预见的规则是否以及在多大程度上为算法透明度的假设提供了空间。
2022-03-02 20:18:12 348KB EU Trade Secret Law
英飞凌TriCore处理器板级支持包 ---上海睿赛德电子科技有限公司版权所有 1.简介 TriCore是英飞凌(infineon)公司专为嵌入式实时系统设计的32位精简指令(RISC)的芯片架构。汽车电子上用的比较多。低中断;硬件自动切换都是它的特点。 硬件 描述 芯片型号 TC264 / TC364 / TC377 CPU架构 三核1.6 2.编译说明 :AURIX-Studio IDE,如下图所示点击import按钮导入工程。 找到对应的文件夹工程目录。如下图所示: 右键工程目录,单击“设置活动项目”按钮激活工程。 首次编译前需要清理一遍工程。如下图所示: 单击编译按钮进行编译。如下图所示: 3.烧写及执行 点击下载按钮。如下图所示: 3.1运行结果 如果编译&烧写无误,当重置设备后,会在串口上看到RT-Thread的启动徽标信息: 4.许可协议 这是一份使用GPLv2及商业授权的
2022-03-01 22:48:24 8.53MB tricore C