Renowned professor and author Gilbert Strang demonstrates that linear algebra is a fascinating subject by showing both its beauty and value. While the mathematics is there, the effort is not all concentrated on proofs. Strang's emphasis is on understanding. He explains concepts, rather than deduces. This book is written in an informal and personal style and teaches real mathematics. The gears change in Chapter 2 as students reach the introduction of vector spaces. Throughout the book, the theory is motivated and reinforced by genuine applications, allowing pure mathematicians to teach applied mathematics.
2021-07-03 21:48:29 2.15MB math
Introduction to Linear Algebra(Strang)一本很好的线性代数教科书
2021-06-22 07:13:44 35.82MB Linear Algebra
经典线性代数教程:G. Strang, 线性代数及其应用, 侯自新、郑仲三、张延伦译,南开大学出版社,1990.
2021-06-14 13:37:16 7.33MB 线性代数
《Introduction to Linear Algebra》(5th edition 2016) [Gilbert Strang] 英文原版
2021-05-11 20:53:42 61.63MB 线性代数 Gilbert Strang
Gilbert Strang编写的Introduction to Linear Algebra第五版习题解答 清晰
2021-03-08 22:18:33 872KB Gilbert Strang 第五版 习题解答
Gilbert Strang的线性代数。经典巨作
2021-03-03 18:09:04 2.63MB 线性代数
2021-03-03 18:05:33 6.39MB Strang Linear Algebra
2021-02-27 12:50:15 56.87MB xianxingdaishu
MIT 大牛Gilbert Strang 编写的《 Introduction to Linear Algebra》第五版 2016年出版的,是网易公开课公开课:线性代数的指定教程,视频中所讲的新的内容在第四版中没有,在这个版本中有对应的章节。配套此教材同时观看Gilbert Strang大牛的公开课,深入掌握线性代数不再是难事!
2020-03-25 03:16:01 102.98MB Linear Algebra
Revising this textbook has been a special challenge, for a very nice reason. So many people have read this book, and taught from it, and even loved it. The spirit of the book could never change. This text was written to help our teaching of linear algebra keep up with the enormous importance of this subject—which just continues to grow.
2020-01-30 03:02:51 2.62MB maths linear algebra