Programming skills are indispensable in today’s world, not just for computer science students, but also for anyone in any scientific or technical discipline. Introduction to Programming in Java, Second Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne is an accessible, interdisciplinary treatment that emphasizes important and engaging applications, not toy problems. The authors supply the tools needed for students and professionals to learn that programming is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience, and to become conversant with one of the world’s most widely used languages. This example-driven guide focuses on Java’s most useful features and brings programming to life for every student in the sciences, engineering, and computer science. Coverage includes Basic elements of programming: variables, assignment statements, built-in data types, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O, including graphics and sound Functions, modules, and libraries: organizing programs into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused Algorithms and data structures: sort/search algorithms, stacks, queues, and symbol tables Applications from applied math, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science Drawing on their extensive classroom experience, throughout the text the authors provide Q&As;, exercises, and opportunities for creative engagement with the material. Together with the companion materials described below, this book empowers people to pursue a modern approach to teaching and learning programming. Companion web site ( contains Chapter summaries Supplementary exercises, some with solutions Detailed instructions for installing a Java programming environment Program code and test data suitable for easy download Detailed creative exercises, projects, and other supplementary materials Companion studio-produced online videos ( are available for purchase and provide students and professional
2021-06-13 09:12:28 12.52MB java Robert Sedgewick
算法(英文版)(第4版)》编辑推荐:Sedgewick之巨著,与高德纳TAOCP一脉相承,几十年多次修订,经久不衰的畅销书,涵盖所有程序员必须掌握的50种算法。 ◆算法领域的经典参考书,Sedgewick畅销著作的最新版,反映了经过几十年演化而成的算法核心知识体系。◆内容全面,全面论述排序、搜索、图处理和字符串处理的算法和数据结构,涵盖每位程序员应知应会的50种算法。◆全新修订的代码,全新的Java实现代码,采用模块化的编程风格,所有代码均可供读者使用。◆与实际应用相结合,在重要的科学、工程和商业应用环境下探讨算法,给出了算法的实际代码,而非同类著作常用的伪代码。◆富于智力趣味性,简明扼要的内容,用丰富的视觉元素展示的示例,精心设计的代码,详尽的历史和科学背景知识,各种难度的练习。这一切都将使读者手不释卷。◆科学的方法,用合适的数学模型精确地讨论算法性能,这些模型是在真实环境中得到验证的。◆与网络相结合,配套网站algs4 cs.prineton.edu提供了《算法(英文版)(第4版)》内容的摘要及相关的代码、测试数据、编程练习、教学课件等资源。
2021-04-23 17:18:38 12.79MB 算法 Sedgewick 4th Edition
2021-02-24 20:31:35 18.91MB 算法 java
《算法》第4版,java语言描述,作者Robert Sedgewick和Kevin Wayne,译者谢路云,完整版共计651页,清晰,完整书签,2012年版中文简体,pdf格式。
2020-01-14 03:02:57 181.76MB 算法 java 图灵图社 中文版
2019-12-26 03:07:55 87.82MB 算法
Robert Sedgewick has thoroughly rewritten and substantially expanded and updated his popular work to provide current and comprehensive coverage of important algorithms and data structures. Christopher Van Wyk and Sedgewick have developed new C implementations that both express the methods in a concise and direct manner, and also provide programmers with the practical means to test them on real applications.Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithm are much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design and detailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhance the presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory and practice that has made Sedgewick's work an invaluable resource for more than 250,000 programmers This particular book, Parts 1n4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick's complete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. Although the substance of the book applies to programming in any language, the implementations by Van Wyk and Sedgewick also exploit the natural match between C classes and ADT implementations.
2019-12-21 19:36:52 11.45MB 算法竞赛
算法 第4版(中文版扫描版+英文文字彩图版+代码+说明) Robert.Sedgewick.&.Kevin.Wayne. 谢路云 译 内含: 算法 第4版-中文版扫描版-塞奇威克-带书签pdf Algorithms.-.Fourth.Edition.Robert.Sedgewick.&.Kevin.Wayne 代码(因为限制200MB,传不了了,这是网址,自己下载吧,放心是免费的 源码网址:github : 书中所有代码库 网址: algs4.jar 说明及其其他资料下载地址 上传东西不易,且行且珍惜,你用的好就好
2019-12-21 19:28:59 199.18MB 算法
本书作为算法领域经典的参考书,全面介绍了关于算法和数据结构的必备知识,并特别针对排序、搜索、图处理和字符串处理进行了论述。第4版具体给出了每位程序员应知应会的50个算法,提供了实际代码,而且这些Java 代码实现采用了模块化的编程风格,读者可以方便地加以改造。本书配套网站提供了书中内容的摘要及更多的代码实现、测试数据、练习、教学课件等资源。 本书适合用作大学教材或从业者的参考书。 配套网站algs4.cs.princeton.edu提供了本书内容摘要以及相关代码、测试数据、编程练习、教学课件等资源。
2019-12-21 19:25:32 17.97MB 数据结构 算法