Navier-Stokes-numeric-solution-using-Python- 适用于线性,非线性对流,一维和二维的Burger's和Poisson方程,使用标准壁函数的一维扩散方程,具有Dirichlet和Neumann BC的二维导热对流方程,完整的Navier-Stokes方程以及与Poisson方程耦合的腔体和二维通道流。
2021-10-29 18:27:54 34KB python python-script cavity fluid-dynamics
Game Scripting Mastery 中译为:游戏脚本高级编程 我上传的是完整的原版图书哦,而且是文字版!不是笨重的扫描版! 原PDF为52M,压缩后为15M。 英文原版有助提高英语,同时不必纠结于那些生硬的翻译,一举三得啊! 下面是简单介绍: 游戏脚本高级编程引领读者进入程序员们称之为“游戏脚本编程”的全新领域,本书将从概括论述什么是脚本编程以及它是如何实现的开始,阐述游戏编程的理念,根据作者多年的开发经验,使读者掌握使用脚本是把游戏代码和主引擎分离开的最理想的办法,带读者进入神秘的游戏脚本语言世界,学习如何编写脚本语言,编译器理论,享受游戏编程方面的极大乐趣。    本书是游戏开发经典丛书系列之一,适合游戏开发人员、业余游戏软件开发爱好者,也可以作为大专院校相关专业的参考书。
2021-10-18 09:30:20 15.87MB Game Scripting 游戏 脚本
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide(中文版),作者:Mendel Cooper
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Visual basic在grasshopper中的插件教程,非常适合初学者的入门学习。
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uNode - Visual Scripting - 2.3.unitypackage uNode - Visual Scripting - 2.3.unitypackage uNode - Visual Scripting - 2.3.unitypackage
2021-09-10 20:59:54 17.05MB Unity插件
2021-09-05 17:30:34 37.83MB 脚本编程 编译原理
Extending Unity with Editor Scripting 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-09-02 11:45:14 6.53MB Extending Unity Editor Scripting
Mendel Cooper:Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide——An In-Depth Exploration of the Art of Shell Scripting@2012 (文档版本 6.6)
2021-08-20 22:01:13 2.09MB bash
The intuitive and powerful Unity game engine is one of the most widely used and best loved packages for game development. Unity scripting is an essential but challenging skill to master in order to create custom game elements. Learning modular scripting allows you to rewrite as little code as possible as you deploy your scripts to multiple projects and work easier, quicker, and more efficiently than before. In each chapter of this book, you'll learn how to script new game elements. Beginning with making custom controls for the keyboard and mouse, as well as the Xbox 360 Controller, you'll then get to grips with more complex systems such as inventory, data saving, and artificial intelligence. As you create these elements, you'll also learn how to make your scripts simpler and easy to use. This will allow drag-and-drop deployment, which is to be used by designers and nonprogrammers. Finally, you'll combine all of your newfound skills to create your own complete game project.
2021-08-19 22:49:57 7.55MB unity game script
Mastering Unity Scripting 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-08-19 22:47:55 12.91MB Mastering Unity Scripting