Practical_Reliability_Engineering_Ebook fifth edition 第五版 英文版
2021-10-09 22:10:00 14.13MB 可靠性工程 欧康纳 实用可靠性工程
RAMS工具包(RAMSTK) 甲对于R eliability,A vailability,男aintainability和S afety(RAMS)工具包分析。 文献资料 测验 质量 配套 :triangular_flag: 目录 :artist_palette: 产品特点 RAMSTK基于模块的概念,其中模块是与系统开发相关的相关信息和/或分析的集合。 RAMSTK当前包含的模块是: 功能模块 功能分解 危害分析 需求模块 利益相关者输入优先级 需求开发 分析清晰度,完整性,一致性和可验证性的要求 硬体模组 可靠性分配 均摊 同意分摊 ARINC分摊 目标的可行性 使用各种方法进行硬件可靠性预测 相似项目分析 MIL-HDBK-217F零件数 MIL-HDBK-217F零件应力 FMEA / FMECA RPN MIL-STD-1629A,任务102危险度分析 失效分析物理 验证模块 任务描述 任务接受值 任务时间 任务成本
2021-10-07 16:29:45 3.82MB ram analysis reliability safety
21 7Plus TM is a methodology and a software tool that was developed by the Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC) to aid in the assessment of system reliability. It is the next generation of the PRISM ® software tool initially released by the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) in 1 999 (which became RIAC in 2005) and contains twice the number of models as the original PRISM ® tool. 1 The original version of PRISM ® contained embedded models that are used to estimate the failure rate of various components when exposed to a specific set of stresses that are defined by the user. Since the time PRISM ® made its debut in the user community, the equations comprising the component reliability prediction models, which form the basis of PRISM ® , were not made available in printed form. As such, a user of the software tool could not see the exact equations that comprised the models. It is always advantageous for analysts to be able to review details of the models, so that the results can be better interpreted. This Handbook is published to make available the equations and model parameters that form the basis of the 21 7Plus TM methodology
2021-09-17 10:10:17 71.25MB MIL 217 reliability pred
Power Electronics and Power Systems Matteo Meneghini Gaudenzio Meneghesso Enrico Zanoni Editors
2021-08-20 21:35:04 25.19MB Springer
Site Reliability Engineering pdf文字版
2021-06-18 15:13:15 10.52MB Site Reliability Engineering SRE
可靠性数据分析经典书籍Statistical Methods for Reliability Data
2021-05-31 15:35:43 7.85MB Statistical Methods Reliability Data
2021-05-30 14:01:43 8.61MB SAE TAHB0009A 可靠性 计划
本国际标准描述: -在可靠性分析中使用可靠性框图(RBD)时要应用的要求; -用可靠性框图对系统可靠性进行建模的程序; -如何使用RBD进行定性和定量分析; -使用RBD模型为块成功/失败的概率恒定(或与时间相关)的不同类型的系统以及未修复的块或已修复的块使用RBD模型计算可用性,故障频率和可靠性度量的过程; -在进行可用性,故障频率和可靠性测量的计算时的一些理论方面和局限性; -与故障树分析(请参阅IEC 61025)和马尔可夫技术(请参阅IEC 61165)的关系。
2021-05-27 13:03:03 46.16MB BSI 61078 可靠性 框图
完整英文版(10页)CTIA-Certification Device Hardware Reliability Certification Program(认证设备硬件可靠性认证计划)。 CTIA认证设备硬件可靠性认证计划的目的是评估无线设备在CTIA认证设备硬件可靠性测试计划中定义的特定领域的可靠性。
2021-03-29 10:05:45 81KB ctia 设备 可靠性 认证
Isograph Reliability Workbench 用户手册(中文版)。使用 Reliability Workbench(RWB) ——集成环境下的可靠性工作平台, RWB 软件包含可靠性预计、降额设计、维修性预计、故障模式影响及危害性分析(FMECA)、可靠性 框图分析(RBD)、故障树分析、事件树分析、 马尔可夫分析、威布尔分析、可靠性增长和可靠性分配等功能。
2021-03-19 08:46:41 6.12MB Isograph RWB