2022-10-18 20:52:09 16.14MB qgis QGIS使用介绍
QGIS 处理轨迹工具 Trajectools 插件将轨迹工具添加到 QGIS 处理工具箱中。 注意:这个插件依赖于 GeoPandas! GeoPandas 现在包含在 OSGeo4W 中。 使用高级安装并在“选择软件包”对话框中搜索GeoPandas。
2022-10-17 20:20:06 386KB Python
2022-10-17 19:05:59 103.78MB qgis ubuntu qt 二次开发
2022-09-27 13:03:36 10KB qgis DLBM sld
About This Book, Use Python and QGIS to create and transform data, produce appealing GIS visualizations, and build complex map layoutsLearn undocumented features of the new QGIS processing moduleA set of user-friendly recipes that can automate the entire geospatial workflows by connecting Python GIS building blocks into comprehensive processes, Who This Book Is For, If you are a geospatial analyst who wants to learn more about automating everyday GIS tasks or a programmer who is responsible for building GIS applications,this book is for you. The short, reusable recipes make concepts easy to understand. You can build larger applications that are easy to maintain when they are put together., What You Will Learn, Build a library of reusable scripts with ScriptRunner Create, import, and edit geospatial data on disk or in memory Get to know more about dynamic mapping Create and add features to static maps Create a mapbook Reproject a vector layer Geolocate photos on a map Combine multiple rasters into one image, In Detail, QGIS Python Programming will teach you how to write Python code that works with spatial data to automate geoprocessing tasks in QGIS. It will cover topics such as querying and editing vector data and using raster data. You will also learn to create, edit, and optimize a vector layer for faster queries, reproject a vector layer, reduce the number of vertices in a vector layer without losing critical data, and convert a raster to a vector. Following this, you will come across recipes that will help you to compose static maps, create heavily customized maps, and add specialized labels and annotations. Apart from this, the book will also share a few tips and tricks based on different aspects of QGIS.
2022-08-30 14:39:24 20.47MB QGIS,Python
qgisprocess qgisprocess的目标是为流行的开源桌面地理信息系统(GIS)程序提供R接口。 该软件包是对已归档的软件包提供的功能的重新实现,已在软件包中部分恢复了该。 安装 您可以使用以下命令从安装开发版本: # install.packages("remotes") remotes :: install_github( " paleolimbot/qgisprocess " ) qgisprocess软件包包装了qgis_process命令行实用程序,该实用程序可在2020年9月QGIS> = 用户将必须安装QIGS> = 3.16; 有关所有平台的下载说明,请访问 。 如果您的操作系统无法使用最新版本的QGIS,则可以使用安装了QGIS的的Geocomputation 。 如果自动配置失败(或者,如果你有一个以上的安装,并想选择哪一个是使用qgisproces
2022-08-11 17:48:00 2.13MB R
1 导言 1 1.1 QGIS 3.22 更新内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 序言 3 3 约定 5 3.1 图形用户界面约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2 文本或键盘约定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.3 特定于平台的说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 特性 7 4.1 视图数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2022-08-09 15:00:54 48.13MB qgis 官网 c++ 教程
下载: 在官网下载OSGeo4W,根据自身需求下载32或64位包;下载安装教程参照https://blog.csdn.net/xiongjia516/article/details/81668665 注意:1、下载速度很慢,网络环境不好的话慎重;2、在选择下载源的时候如果有ftp.xxxx.xxx这么个源的话可以试试,下载时可能会快一些;3、下载时发现不动了别犹豫,取消后重新下载,已下载的内容不会重复下载,所以多下几次总会下完 环境搭建:参考https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40927908/article/details/100670674 (若引用内容侵权请联系删除,QQ1
2022-07-31 12:41:17 30KB IS 二次开发 环境
2022-07-30 18:08:39 121B gis qgis
phpQGIS存储库 该项目已迁移到GitLab。 现在可以在以下找到所有内容: :
2022-07-29 11:27:46 13KB repository plugins qgis