Digital Image Processing An Algorithmic Introduction using Java
2023-12-01 07:03:50 7.76MB Image Processing Algorithmic Java
SincNet SincNet是用于处理原始音频样本的神经体系结构。 这是一种新颖的卷积神经网络(CNN),它鼓励第一个卷积层发现更多有意义的滤波器。 SincNet基于参数化的Sinc函数,这些函数实现了带通滤波器。 与学习每个滤波器的所有元素的标准CNN相比,所提出的方法只能从数据中直接学习低和高截止频率。 这提供了一种非常紧凑而有效的方式来导出专门针对所需应用进行了调整的定制滤波器组。 该项目发布了一系列代码和实用程序,可通过SincNet进行说话人识别。 使用TIMIT数据库提供了说话人识别的示例。 如果您对应用于语音识别的SincNet感兴趣,可以查看PyTorch-Kaldi
2023-11-23 13:09:20 173KB audio python deep-learning signal-processing
数字图像处理:Java语言算法描述(世界著名计算机教材精选)英文完整版 Wilhelm Burger, Mark James Burge, "Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction using Java" Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 1846283795 | 566 pages | Djvu | 7,8 MB "This will be one of my continuing reference books for some time to come." Steve Cunningham, PhD, Past President of SIGGRAPH "An excellent resource for the users of ImageJ." Wayne Rasband, author of ImageJ This modern, self-contained, textbook explains the fundamental algorithms of digital image processing through practical examples and complete Java implementations. Available for the first time in English, Digital Image Processing is the definitive textbook for students, researchers, and professionals in search of critical analysis and modern implementations of the most important algorithms in the field. • Practical examples and carefully constructed chapter-ending exercises drawn from the authors' years of experience teaching this material • Real implementations, concise mathematical notation, and precise algorithmic descriptions designed for programmers and practitioners • Easily adaptable Java code and completely worked out examples for easy inclusion in existing, and rapid prototyping of new, applications • Self-contained chapters and additional online material suitable for a flexible one- or two- semester course • Uses ImageJ, the image processing system developed, maintained, and freely distributed by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) • A comprehensive Website ( with complete Java source code, test images, and additional instructor materials This comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction is ideal for foundation courses as well as eminently suitable for self-study. Wilhelm Burger is the director of the Digital Media degree programs at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences at Hagenberg. Mark J. Burge is a program director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a principal at Noblis (Mitretek) in Washington, D.C.
2023-11-17 07:05:38 7.76MB Image Processing using Java
SSGI-URP 通用渲染管线的屏幕空间全局照明。这是为Godot Engine写的SSGI着色器的端口。它适合用作Unity的Universal Render Pipeline的渲染功能。 请记住,这是SSGI的简单实现,并不完美。如果您将噪声和样本数量保持在较低水平,则性能会很好。 要求 Unity 2019.3+ 通用渲染管线7.2+ 启用深度纹理 在Windows 10上测试 启用S​​SGI 禁用SSGI 设置 范围 角色 样品数 要使用多少个样本。 8到16之间的值适合表演 间接金额 间接GI Boost。表演不花钱 噪音量 在最终渲染中添加一些噪点,影响性能,将其降低到2 噪音 启用或禁用噪音 用法 创建或打开URP项目 打开包管理器窗口 通过单击+图标将此存储库添加为软件包 过去的 向您的渲
Natural Language Processing with Python Cookbook_Code 源码 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2023-10-22 06:01:36 1.21MB Natural Language Processing Python
Think DSP Digital Signal Processing in Python 英文mobi 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
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twitter_sentiment_bert_scikit Twitter美国航空数据集情感分析(情感分析),使用Bert句子编码作为特征,实现了SVM,XGBoost,RandomForest(随机森林)等多个分类算法,从而进行了交叉验证。 数据来自 预安装 我们在Python 3环境中运行该项目,建议您使用Anaconda 3通过以下脚本安装所需的软件包。 当然,您可以使用pip进行安装。 conda create -n tweet_sentiment -c anaconda python=3.7 numpy scikit-learn xgboost pandas tensorflo
数字图像处理 冈萨雷斯 英文扫描版 ( Digital_Image_Processing)
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