A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a fantasy based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Key Features - 221 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Characters (x5) - Chief 01, Warrior 01, Warrior 02, Grunt 01, Grunt 02. (with Alternative colors) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/polygon-vikings-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-85664
2022-06-16 10:05:27 19.07MB synty Fantasy Building Polygon
This Map pack expands out the Dungeons universe with new rooms and areas. Designed using POLYGON - Dungeons Pack as a base, this pack also comes with new assets specifically designed for the new areas. Key Features 57 New Models New Rooms and Dungeon Layout New Areas - Library - Boss fight arena - Crypt - Storage rooms x2 - Royal Hallway - Vertical Labyrinth - Shrine Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/dungeons/polygon-dungeons-map-low-poly-3d-art-by-syn
2022-06-15 21:05:56 3.62MB RPG Building dungeon synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a Military themed polygonal style game. Build the ultimate battlegrounds game with this solid modern warfare set. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Vehicles (x10) Characters (x15) Ranged Weapons (x19) Melee weapons (x7) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-battle-royale-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-128513
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.18MB Building Weapon Polygon synty
A low poly asset pack of Buildings, Vehicles, Characters, and Props assets to add to your existing polygonal style game. Include a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) Create houses with the modular house kit (also includes preset houses) Key Features - Buildings (x125) Props (x412) Environment (x99) Characters (x9) Vehicles (x8) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-town-pack-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-121115
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.2MB Building Polygon synty City
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a pirate based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) 477 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-pirates-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-92579
2022-06-15 21:05:53 31.87MB Polygon Building World synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Western themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene 305 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets include: 6 Vehicle parts including train set 8 Characters with Alternative colors 6 Weapons Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-112
2022-06-15 21:05:53 16.96MB oldwest Building western synty
An Epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a western themed polygonal style game. Key Features - 329 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets - Building assets (x42), Environment assets (x147), FX (x5), Generic assets (x9), Props assets (x87) Vehicles (x3) Characters (x21) Weapons (x15) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-frontier-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-130564
2022-06-15 12:07:02 19.48MB Environment western Polygon LowPoly
pytorch-polygon-rnn Pytorch实现。 注意,我使用另一种方法来处理第一个顶点,而不是像本文中那样训练另一个模型。 与原纸的不同 我使用两个虚拟起始顶点来处理第一个顶点,如图像标题所示。 我需要在ConvLSTM层之后添加一个LSTM层,因为我需要输出为D * D + 1维度才能处理结束符号。 如何训练和测试 从下载数据,组织图像文件和注释json文件,如下所示: img ├── train │ ├── cityname1 │ │ ├── pic.png │ │ ├── ... │ ├── cityname2 │ │ ├── pic.png │ │ ├── ... ├── val │ ├── cityname │ │ ├── pic.png │ │ ├── ... ├── test │ ├── ci
Arcgis api for javascript(4.5版本) - 点击多边形(Polygon)并高亮显示
2022-06-01 10:05:32 34KB Arcgis js Polygon click
本文档详细介绍如何运用Moralis,Remix,OpenZeppelin等资源快速创建自己在Polygon上的Token令牌。 在创建Polygon Token前的准备 1. 取得Polygon节点 2. 连结MetaMask钱包 3. 取得测试用的Matic Tokens吧 接下来就来创造自己的token吧! 1. 使用Remix IDE 2. 透过OpenZeppelin寻找智能合约模板 3. 发行在Polygon上的代币的智能合约(Smart Contract) 5. 确认你发行了你的token当个亿万富翁吧!
2022-05-29 14:07:51 1.32MB polygon