The “INVERTED PENDULUM, ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION” is a collection of MATLAB functions and scripts, and SIMULINK models, useful for analyzing Inverted Pendulum System and designing Control System for it. This report & MATLAB-files collection are developed as a part of practical assignment on Control System Analysis, Design & Development practical problem. The assigned problem of INVERTED PENDULUM is a part of Lab Work of Control System – III Course at the INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (IIEE), KARACHI, PAKISTAN. The Inverted Pendulum is one of the most important classical problems of Control Engineering. Broom Balancing (Inverted Pendulum on a cart) is a well known example of nonlinear, unstable control problem. This problem becomes further complicated when a flexible broom, in place of a rigid broom, is employed. Degree of complexity and difficulty in its control increases with its flexibility. This problem has been a research interest of control engineers. Control of Inverted Pendulum is a Control Engineering project based on the FLIGHT SIMULATION OF ROCKET OR MISSILE DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF FLIGHT. The AIM OF THIS STUDY is to stabilize the Inverted Pendulum such that the position of the carriage on the track is controlled quickly and accurately so that the pendulum is always erected in its inverted position during such movements. This practical exercise is a presentation of the analysis and practical implementation of the results of the solutions presented in the papers, “Robust Controller for Nonlinear & Unstable System: Inverted Pendulum” [3] and “Flexible Broom Balancing” [4], in which this complex problem was analyzed and a simple yet effective solution was presented. The details of these papers can be looked in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section.
2021-06-17 16:08:39 690KB Inverted Pendulum PID
使用Pytorch实现的深度RL算法 算法列表: 关于深入探讨 实验结果: 算法 离散环境:LunarLander-v2 连续环境:Pendulum-v0 DQN -- VPG -- DDPG -- TD3 -- SAC -- PPO -- 用法: 只需直接运行文件/算法。 在我学习算法时,它们之间没有通用的结构。 不同的算法来自不同的来源。 资源: 未来的项目: 如果有时间,我将为使用RL的电梯添加一个简单的程序。 更好的图形
2021-04-26 01:35:45 391KB algorithms ddpg sac ppo
Adaptive Control of a Gyroscopically Stabilized Pendulum and Its Application to a Single-Wheel Pendulum Robot
2021-02-11 09:07:02 256KB 研究论文
两级倒立摆仿真模型的GUI控制界面-The GUI of double inverted pendulum simulation system.rar   这是我近几天做的一个GUI界面,用于control the simulation model of the double inverted pendulum system.里面有我的基于GA寻优后的LQR控制的两级倒立摆仿真模型(不包括ga寻优的m文件),以及SimulateGUIhanhan.m和SimulateGUIhanhan.fig文件。不知道做类似gui的同学们有没这样的问题:就是在gui对应的m文件中(我有guide 创建的gui)如果使用sim函数进行模型的仿真,即使你在scope模块中设定将array形式的输出save to workspace,或者利用时钟和输出端子,再或者利用to workspace,输出参数都保存不到工作空间。为了解决这个问题,我问过math老师,最后采用:to flie的形式将.mat文件保存,然后在程序中download一下就ok了呵呵!    现在我将我近期做的这个小东西拿来给大家分享一下呵呵!       我不怎会传图片就一同放在附件里了呵呵! fig.jpg mdl.jpg
2020-03-30 23:16:57 181KB matlab