简介 · · · · · ·   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter ... (展开全部)   One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter the points in cyclic order p, q, r, p,...; and the incircle relation pqrs, which states that s lies inside that circle if pqr is true, or outside that circle if pqr is false. The author, Donald Knuth, is one of the greatest computer scientists of our time. A few years ago, he and some of his students were looking at a map that pinpointed the locations of about 100 cities. They asked, "Which of these cities are neighbors of each other?" They knew intuitively that some pairs of cities were neighbors and some were not; they wanted to find a formal mathematical characterization that would match their intuition. This monograph is the result.  
2023-03-02 20:13:42 513KB Knuth Axioms and Hulls
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2023-02-02 17:49:45 9KB KILL notes
(1)高斯谱模型 高斯谱的表达式如下所示: 2 3 ( ) exp( ( ) )d dB f f W f a f    (5-16) 其中, a为一个常数,它的取值为 1.665,以使得 3 ( / 2) 0.5 dB W f  ; d f 是杂波的中 心频率,代表了杂波的平均多普勒频率,也可以理解为杂波的平均速度; 3dB f 为 两个半功率点之间的频率带宽。在进行地杂波相关模型建立时,我们一般把 0 f 取 为 0, 3dB f 约为风速的 3%。 公式(5-16)也可以表示成如下形式: 2 2 ( ) exp[ ( ) / 2 ] d c W f f f    (5-17) 2 c  表示地杂波频率分布的均方根值,它与散射体速度分布的均方根值 v  有如下的 关系 2 v c     。 (2) n次方谱模型 n次方功率谱的表达式如下所示: 3 1 ( ) 1 ( / ) n dB W f f f   (5-18) 其中, n为正整数,取值范围在 2-5 之间, 3n  即为立方谱, 2n  即为平方谱。 3dB f 为两个半功率点之间的频率带宽,杂波谱方差 3 1.33exp(0.2634 ) dB f v , v 为 风速。 杂波的功率谱特性通常与环境、杂波的性质等因素相关。在本文中我们主要 考虑的是在地面雷达背景下的杂波模型建立,而该雷达的典型杂波环境有草地、 灌木、树林、庄稼地等。因而我们采用高斯谱这种典型杂波谱模型进行建模仿真。 地杂波功率谱如图 5-2 所示。 对于高斯分布的杂波谱,影响谱峰高度和杂波谱宽度的一个主要因素就是高 斯分布的方差,也就是公式(5-18)中的 3dB f , 3dB f 越小,杂波谱越集中,谱峰高 度越高。
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