2023-03-12 22:55:06 19.94MB 书籍机器源码
英文版 [数值分析方法库.Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.pdf
2023-03-05 16:26:10 11.28MB 数值分析 Numerical
This book is supposed to teach you methods of numerical computing that are practical, efficient, and (insofar as possible) elegant. We presume throughout this book that you, the reader, have particular tasks that you want to get done. We view our job as educating you on how to proceed. Occasionally we may try to reroute you briefly onto a particularly beautiful side road; but by and large, we will guide you along main highways that lead to practical destinations.
2023-03-01 00:23:43 20.55MB Linear Algeb Interpolatio Integration
精确计算球体和网格单元的重叠体积和面积 计算球体与通常使用的网格元素(例如四面体或六面体)之一的相交或重叠体积是令人惊讶的挑战。 这个仅标头的库实现了一种数字健壮的方法来确定此卷。 该代码中使用的数学表达式和算法在进行了描述。 因此,如果您在产生任何出版物的项目中使用该代码,请引用本文。 利用用于计算重叠体积的概念和例程,也可以使用此库来计算球体的相交或重叠区域以及网格元素的小平面。 用法 支持的原语 重叠计算直接支持以下元素类型: 四面体(4个节点/顶点,数据类型为Tetrahedron ) 五面体/楔形/三角棱镜(5个节点/顶点,数据类型为Wedge ) hexahedra(6个节点/顶点,数据类型为Hexahedron ) 元素必须是凸形的,并且必须指定为三维节点/顶点的列表,而球体(数据类型Sphere )则需要一个中心点和半径。 节点排序 重叠库的元素类型遵循项目的
我想说的是这类书不多,所以必定是好书。哇靠,大家支持啊。虽然很多人有这本书但是就是不分享啊。 Features •Emphasizes the latest state-of-the-art object-oriented methods wherever possible •Covers a large spectrum of computational tools, including sorting algorithms and Monte Carlo methods •Contains working C# code and numerous practical examples that illustrate how to apply the computational tools •Provides the C# source code online Summary Comprehensive Coverage of the New, Easy-to-Learn C# Although C, C++, Java, and Fortran are well-established programming languages, the relatively new C# is much easier to use for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Tools in C# presents a broad collection of practical, ready-to-use mathematical routines employing the exciting, easy-to-learn C# programming language from Microsoft. The book focuses on standard numerical methods, novel object-oriented techniques, and the latest Microsoft .NET programming environment. It covers complex number functions, data sorting and searching algorithms, bit manipulation, interpolation methods, numerical manipulation of linear algebraic equations, and numerical methods for calculating approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The author discusses alternative ways to obtain computer-generated pseudo-random numbers and real random numbers generated by naturally occurring physical phenomena. He also describes various methods for approximating integrals and special functions, routines for performing statistical analyses of data, and least squares and numerical curve fitting methods for analyzing experimental data, along with numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The final chapter offers optimization methods for the minimization or maximization of functions. Exploiting the useful features of C#, this book shows how to write efficient, mathematically intense object-oriented computer programs. The vast array of practical examples presented can be easily customized and implemented to solve complex engineering and scientific problems typically found in real-world computer applications.
2023-01-07 11:54:00 3.04MB Numerical Methods Algorithms and
Designing numerical libraries in C.pdf
2022-12-17 16:25:11 4.01MB Algoritms
2022-12-07 15:23:24 12.24MB 综合文档
Numerical Optimization 数值优化 Jorge Nocedal Stephen J. Wright
2022-12-01 17:30:46 3.11MB 数值优化
This book is about learning to write computer programs in C to solve problems in mathematics and to show how C can be used to get data information in other areas like economics and biochemistry.
2022-11-27 15:56:00 4.92MB C語言
Numerical Recipes (2nd) C Source 经典数值分析C语言版本,包含中文扫描版,英文原版,源代码
2022-11-27 13:55:51 23.12MB 算法