更新:现在可以嵌入预训练的通用句子编码器和BERT句子转换器。阅读。 Top2Vec Top2Vec是用于主题建模和语义搜索的算法。它会自动检测文本中存在的主题,并生成联合嵌入的主题,文档和单词向量。训练Top2Vec模型后,您可以: 获取检测到的主题数。 获取主题。 获取主题大小。 获取层次结构主题。 通过关键字搜索主题。 按主题搜索文档。 通过关键字搜索文档。 查找类似的单词。 查找类似的文档。 使用公开模型 有关其工作原理的更多详细信息,请参见。 好处 自动查找主题数。 无需停用词列表。 无需词干/词形限制。 适用于短文本。 创建联合嵌入的主题,文档和单词向量。 内置搜索功能。 它是如何工作的? 该算法所做的假设是,许多语义上相似的文档都表明了一个潜在的主题。第一步是创建文档和单词向量的联合嵌入。将文档和单词嵌入向量空间后,算法的目标是找到文档的密集簇,然后确定哪些单词将这些文档
2023-03-09 13:56:41 6.48MB word-embeddings topic-modeling semantic-search bert
2023-03-05 18:11:51 6.22MB Simulation_Modeling_and_Analysis
浏览器中的完整实时脚本CAD内核和IDE。 使用代码创建具有从简单图元+ CSG到复杂的旋转,扫掠和圆角的功能的3D模型。 Cascade Studio展示了内核的全部功能,同时为简单操作提供了简洁的标准库。 将完成的模型保存到.step,.stl。或.obj,或复制该URL并与社区共享。 特征 强大的标准库,可简化模型构建 Intellisense自动完成/自动建议和文档 访问完整的OpenCASCADE内核(通过oc.名称空间) 自动缓存标准库操作的加速 .STEP / .IGES / .STL导入.STEP / .STL / .OBJ导出 URL的代码序列化,易于共享和拥有 保存/加载项目以保留代码,布局和导入的文件 集成GUI系统,可轻松定制 易于安装,可作为渐进式Web应用程序脱机使用 麻省理工学院许可下的免费和开源 例子 每次成功评估后,模型代码都会保存到URL中,因此您可以将
2023-02-28 11:03:38 17.14MB modeling cad scad opencascade
Empirical Modeling and Data Analysis for Engineers and Applied Scientists English | 25 July 2016 | ISBN: 3319327674 | 264 Pages This textbook teaches advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students in Engineering and Applied Sciences to gather and analyze empirical observations (data) in order to aid in making design decisions. While science is about discovery, the primary paradigm of engineering and “applied science” is design. Scientists are in the discovery business and want, in general, to understand the natural world rather than to alter it. In contrast, engineers and applied scientists design products, processes, and solutions to problems. That said, statistics, as a discipline, is mostly oriented toward the discovery paradigm. Young engineers come out of their degree programs having taken courses such as “Statistics for Engineers and Scientists” without any clear idea as to how they can use statistical methods to help them design products or processes. Many seem to think that statistics is only useful for demonstrating that a device or process actually does what it was designed to do. Statistics courses emphasize creating predictive or classification models – predicting nature or classifying individuals, and statistics is often used to prove or disprove phenomena as opposed to aiding in the design of a product or process. In industry however, Chemical Engineers use designed experiments to optimize petroleum extraction; Manufacturing Engineers use experimental data to optimize machine operation; Industrial Engineers might use data to determine the optimal number of operators required in a manual assembly process. This text teaches engineering and applied science students to incorporate empirical investigation into such design processes.
2023-02-14 10:23:35 11.79MB Data Analysis
地球系统建模框架(ESMF) 版权所有(c)2002-2021,麻省理工学院大学大气研究所,密歇根大学地球物理流体动力学实验室,国家环境预测中心,洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,阿贡国家实验室,美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心。 版权所有。 您好,欢迎来到ESMF。 《 包含有关构建和安装ESMF的信息。 《 包含有关ESMF的体系结构,示例代码以及API(应用程序编程接口)的详细信息。 如有任何问题,请联系 。 下载ESMF ESMF库源代码也可以从以下位置下载: 建立ESMF 要从源代码构建ESMF,请参阅《 部分。 要测试ESMF,请参阅。 对于ESMF和ESMPy预建的二进制文件也可在conda-forge (注意不支持Windows中): conda create -c conda-forge -n esmf esmpy 链接到ESMF 要将应用程序链接到
2023-01-02 17:35:18 12.69MB Fortran
modeling electric power system
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中文版部分章节,不全 eclipse+modeling+framework
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Modeling Software Behavior A Craftsman's Approach 2010
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Pyomo是 William Hart and Jean-Paul Watson at Sandia National Laboratories and David Woodruff at University of California, Davis. 开发的,这个手册是由开发者David Woodruff撰写的,详细介绍了如何在Pyomo中求解各类优化问题。希望对大家有帮助。
2022-12-09 12:24:06 1.94MB python optimization