The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the use of Bayesian methods in marketing due, in part, to computational and modelling breakthroughs, making its implementation ideal for many marketing problems. Bayesian analyses can now be conducted over a wide range of marketing problems, from new product introduction to pricing, and with a wide variety of different data sources.
2021-07-02 23:00:55 8.93MB Bayesian Statistics and Marketing
Bank Marketing Dataset is related with direct marketing campaigns (phone calls) of a Portuguese banking institution.本数据集源自葡萄牙银行机构的一项电话营销活动。 bank-full.csv bank.csv bank-additional.csv bank-additional-full.csv
2021-06-27 14:44:32 993KB 数据集
葡萄牙银行营销数据集 笔记: 该项目由书面作者:copyright:版权所有,因此任何材料都不能直接复制。 如果您想使用任何代码,图片或书面分析,请发送电子邮件至: 文件中已明确引用了项目中使用的任何材料-使用这些资源没有任何限制(除非那些作者另有说明)。 项目概况: 一家葡萄牙银行机构开展了直接营销活动,以评估客户是否会订阅某种产品(银行定期存款)。 市场营销活动基于电话,有时需要与同一个客户进行多次联系。 main_data.csv数据集包含与19个不同变量联系的所有客户的数据。 表1中提供了这些变量的描述。prior_campaigns.csv数据集包含先前活动中的4个不同变量。 项目目的: 分析这些数据,解释任何分析和结论。 这包括从数据中获得的定量(探索性数据分析或汇总统计)和定性(解释和上下文)见解。 我们希望帮助银行预测哪些类型的客户更倾向于认购银行定期存款,即要锁定谁,以及特定客户
2021-06-24 10:21:30 1.86MB JupyterNotebook
2021-06-04 19:01:44 346KB 消费者行为
2021-05-19 19:02:20 2.12MB 西班牙语
英文原版PDF文件,非扫描件。 Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company’s Web Site 英文版非扫描 By Mike Moran and Bill Hunt Second Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-606868-6, © 2009, 672 pages Search Engine Marketing, Inc., is a no-nonsense book about developing and implementing a search marketing program in your business. Full of explanations of both the business and technical aspects of search marketing, a beginner can learn each step—but this book is also full of tips that even experienced search marketers may not know. More than just quick fixes, this book offers timeless strategies for implementing a search engine marketing program in your business—one that delivers long-term results. Your search marketing program must focus on your Web site’s underlying goals (such as sales) rather than fixating on your rankings in search results. The second edition updates all chapters with the important developments in search marketing, including the sea change in paid search toward hybrid auctions, the advent of sitemaps to index your organic content, new keyword tools, and more. In addition, two brand-new chapters have been added: Explore New Media and Social Media: Find out how videos, podcasts, and other new kinds of media are sudden;y showing up in “blended” search results. And learn how you can get customers to pass along your marketing message through social media. Optimize Your Web Site Search: You’ve already learned so much about how organic search works. Why not apply that knowledge to improve the results of the search engine on your own Web site? Find out how a little extra knowledge can send you on your way to help your customers find what they are looking for once they are on your Web site. The second edition also adds a companion DVD with even more from Mike and bill, including over two hours of video presentations, audio podcasts, white papers, magazine columns, and more. This book is: A step-by-step guide to setting up and managing a
2021-04-28 23:34:09 15.48MB 原版 英文版 扫描 SEO
BERT营销系统 これは自然言语处理モデルのBERTを用いたディープラーニング・マーケティングモデルです。自社の未発表のプレスリリースと关连データを入力するとプレスリリースに対する読者の反応を涉します。 快速开始 学习済みのモデルが用意してありますので,试しに动かしたいという方う行してください。 一例として新型コロナ关连の音楽ニュースとそれに关连する数値データを学习させてあります。指定の数値データとコロナ祸における音楽ビジネス施策に关するプレスリリーステキストを入力すると,その施策に対する世间の反応を暗示して出力します。 ターミナルからpython pred_LSTM_ensemble.pyを実行 数秒待つと入力フォームが表示されるのでそれまで停する 入力フォームに当日の各种データを入力する 以下の値をインターネット等で确认して入力する。 (使用感を确かめたいだけであれば适当な数値で构いま
2021-04-03 22:06:32 284KB JupyterNotebook
2021-03-22 18:10:14 99KB PHP
Marketing 不平衡分类数据集
2021-03-09 19:09:57 850KB 数据集 人工智能
2021-02-23 10:04:45 3.08MB ai marketing