IOComp Components 4.0.4 Delphi 2007 , 2010, xe , xe2 .7z Iocomp Components Full Product 4.0.4 SP2.rar IOComp Components Full Product 4.0.4 SP2_XE3.7z IOComp_Components_Full_Product_4.0.4_SP2.rar IOComp_Components_Full_Product_4.0.4_SP2__XE2.rar iocomp4.02sp2.rar
2021-11-30 16:17:04 65.03MB Delphi
仪表控件 Iocomp ActiveX 402SP1注册版 非常流行的工业仪表控件,最新注册版,测试可用。
2021-11-23 16:18:29 13.11MB 仪表控件 Iocomp ActiveX 402SP1注册版
2021-11-04 22:52:35 41.09MB Iocomp v4.02
iocomp插件 实时工业绘图,比TeeChart性能要好很多,附带一个测试工程
2021-10-28 10:25:00 29.7MB iocomp 示例
工业控制控件 iocomp v3版本 v4 版本 合集 编程文档 控件调用demo源代码。压缩包包含了注册安装使用方法,实测可用。
2021-10-22 19:36:53 49.04MB VB VC OCX C#
Iocomp's Ultra Pack is a suite of 56 controls for use in creating professional instrumentation applications. These controls are written in 100% managed code and support Microsoft and Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero development environments. Combines our Pro Pack & Plot Pack. All controls are object oriented and share many common classes for consistency, easy of use, and interfacing with each other. Each control is optimized to get the best possible performance under the .Net Framework while still using the advanced GDI+ drawing routines which greatly improve the look of the controls. Most controls only require one line of code when interfacing to your application. Each control has a built-in custom property editor for ease of setup. These controls can be used for Scientific, Engineering, Medical, Oil and Gas, Maritime, Semiconductor, Factory Automation, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Military, Building and Home Automation, Power Systems, Robotics, Universities, Labs, HMI, SCADA, and hundreds of other types of applications.
2021-10-19 20:51:23 49.8MB iocomp
超实用控件Iocomp version3破解版,经本人亲自验证,真正好使的、绿色的版本,里面已经包含安装的具体操作方法,下载即食..
2021-10-14 11:18:39 10.84MB iocomp iplotx crack
2021-10-05 19:51:40 4.31MB Delphi
4.5 医疗行为多维度感知关键技术及应用研究 研究内容:聚焦智慧医院建设,研究医疗行为的多模态 感知并通过人机协同实现医疗流程的智能化。研究医疗行为 的多维度感知关键技术,重点突破医疗行为时空特征表达、 医疗行为细粒度识别、医疗行为操作合规性评估;研究高精 度力觉机器手臂辅助应用,突破复杂应用场景下的人机协同 关键技术,实现医务人员操作流程优化;研究全方位监测不 同患者生活习惯、饮食特征、运动模式、作息规律、精细行 为等对医疗结局的影响,为科学的行为干预提供依据。 考核指标:面向急诊、ICU、护理、代谢舱等各类复杂 场景,构建开放性的大规模多模态医疗行为数据集,经过标 注的数据规模不少于 10TB;覆盖至少 20 类医疗行为,医疗 行为感知系统对各类医疗行为的识别准确率大于 80%;开发 至少 2 类医疗流程辅助智能机械臂软硬件样机,在代谢舱等 使用场景中完成人机协同验证,并在至少 2 家三甲医院落地 应用。
2021-10-02 22:08:14 234KB 人工智能 项目指导
Iocomp 工业仪表盘控件包(VCL版)包括多种用来创建专业的仪表和测量、工业控制、工业监控等相关的应用程序的控件包,包括仪表盘控件, 开关控件, 实时曲线控件, LED灯控件等等
2021-09-06 09:31:04 9.89MB 工业 控件 delphi 10.3