Hard Disk Serial Number用于修改硬盘序列号,通常在格式化硬盘分区时,会自动由WINDOWS分配磁盘序列号,很多程序需要这个序列号来注册机器码,这个小工具能够让你在不重新分区或格式化的情况下修改硬盘的序列号。序列号格式:XXXX-XXXX,使用十六进制字节0-9,A,B,C,D,E,F更改序列号后,请重新启动电脑以完成更改格式化硬盘分区时,由WINDOWS生成的磁盘序列号。
Hard Disk Sentinel提供了完整的文本描述、提示和显示/报告关于计算机内部和外部机箱(USB硬盘/E-SATA硬盘)中硬盘和固态磁盘的最全面的信息,许多不同的警报和报告选项可用于确保宝贵数据的最大安全性
Hard Disk Sentinel 可以测试硬盘的性能及健康状况,显示硬盘的当前温度及最高温度纪录,建议校准温度并在S.M.A.R.T标签页设置温度偏移,校正显示温度值,测试硬盘的传输率,可以测试随机寻道及调整硬盘的噪音,可以测试并寻找硬盘中存在的问题,并进行适当的修复,测试硬盘的加电时间和预测使用寿命,在硬盘出问题前,尽快备份硬盘中的重要数据
This simple book is meant to get you started in programming. The title says it’s the hard way to learn to write code, but it’s actually not. It’s only the “hard” way because it uses a technique called instruction. Instruction is where I tell you to do a sequence of controlled exercises designed to build a skill through repetition. This technique works very well with beginners who know nothing and need to acquire basic skills before they can understand more complex topics. It’s used in everything from martial arts to music to even basic math and reading skills.