2024-05-27 14:21:13 96.58MB chrome
《KUKA系统变量手册(KSS 8.6 中文版)》是一份详尽的技术文档,专门针对使用KUKA机器人控制系统(KSS)8.6版本的用户和开发者。这份手册提供了对系统中每一个变量的深入解释,包括变量的功能、用法和在不同情境下的应用。在工业自动化和机器人技术日益发展的当下,这份手册提供了对KUKA系统深入理解的关键信息,是工程师、技术员和程序员在实施精密控制和优化机器人性能时的重要参考资料。 随着工业4.0时代的到来,自动化和机器人技术变得日益复杂和强大。在这种背景下,掌握如何高效地使用和编程这些高级机器人系统变得尤为重要。《KUKA系统变量手册》提供了从基础概念到高级应用的全方位信息,帮助用户充分利用KUKA系统的先进功能,提升操作效率和精度。 此外,这份手册也是教育和研究领域的宝贵资源,为学术界提供了一个实用的、针对实际应用场景的学习工具。无论是在生产线的日常维护、系统故障的诊断,还是在开发新的自动化解决方案时,这份手册都是不可或缺的。 总体而言,《KUKA系统变量手册(KSS 8.6 中文版)》是一份全面的技术文档对于任何使用或研究KUKA机器人系统的人士来说,都是极具价值的资料来源.
2024-05-23 20:39:15 10.96MB 工业4.0 工业机器人
Beginning iOS AR Game Development:Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler-November 24, 2018 Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# by Allan Fowler Apress English 2018-11-19 244 pages Details Title: Beginning iOS AR Game Development: Developing Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and C# Author: Allan Fowler Length: 244 pages Edition: 1st ed. Language: English Publisher: Apress Publication Date: 2018-11-19 ISBN-10: 1484236173 ISBN-13: 9781484236178 Description Create a fully featured application that’s both sophisticated and engaging. This book provides a detailed guide in developing augmented reality games that can take advantage of the advanced capabilities of new iOS devices and code while also offering compatibility with still supported legacy devices. No programming experience is necessary as this book begins on the ground floor with basic programming concepts in Unity and builds to incorporating input from the real world to create interactive realities. You’ll learn to program with the Unity 2017 development platform using C#. Recent announcements of increased AR capabilities on the latest iPhones and iPads show a clear dedication on Apple’s part to this emerging market of immersive games and apps. Unity 2017 is the latest version of this industry leading development platform and C# is a ubiquitous programming language perfect for any programmer to begin with. Using the latest development technologies, Beginning iOS AR Game Development will show you how to program games that interact directly with the real world environment around the user for creative fantastic augmented reality experiences. What You'll Learn Download assets from the Unity store Create a scene in Unity 2017 Use physics and controls on mobile devices Who This Book Is For Beginner programmers and/or people new to developing games using Unity. It also serves as a great introduction to developing AR games and educators teaching the subject at high school or higher levels. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Getting Started Chapter 3: The Unity ARKit Chapter 4: Hit Testing and Lighting Chapter 5: Making AR Games Chapter 6: Introducing Touch Chapter 7: Adding Plane Detection and Point Clouds Chapter 8: Final Steps
2024-05-16 20:42:27 11.91MB VR AR Game ios
对应chrome版本:120.0.6099.217 系统环境:win64 内容概述:ChromeDriver.exe是一款实用的chrome浏览器驱动工具,能够用于自动化测试、网络爬虫和操作浏览器,其主要作用是模拟浏览器操作,在使用时需要与对应的chrome浏览器版本匹配,否则无法驱动。 应用场景:网络爬虫、自动化测试、web自动化,例如与Selenium等自动化测试框架一起使用,提供更高级的浏览器自动化,实现自动访问、自动输入、自动点击、自动发送等操作。
2024-05-08 15:33:07 6.32MB chrome
google 64位浏览器。
2024-04-30 13:35:22 43.81MB google
2024-04-27 10:27:50 1.31MB android
The 1st Place Solution of the Google Landmark 2019 Retrieval Challenge and the 3rd Place Solution of the Recognition Challenge.
2024-04-20 14:15:44 381KB Python开发-机器学习
Google Authenticator PHP类 版权所有(c)2012-2016, 作者:Michael Kliewe, 及其 根据BSD许可获得许可。 此类PHP类可用于与Google Authenticator移动应用程序进行交互,以进行两要素身份验证。 此类可以生成秘密,生成代码,验证代码并提供用于扫描秘密的QR码。 它根据实现 为了安全安装,您必须确保不能重用已使用的代码(重放攻击)。 您还需要限制验证次数,以对抗暴力攻击。 例如,您可以在10分钟内将一个IP地址(或IPv6块)的验证次数限制为10次尝试。 这取决于您的环境。 用法: 请参见以下示例: <?php require_once 'PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator.php' ; $ ga = new PHPGangsta_GoogleAuthenticator (); $ se
2024-04-07 22:19:23 8KB
Google Chrome 92.0.4515.107 for Mac 版本, Apple 自研的 M1 芯片,如果用的是 Intel 芯片,请不要使用该版本。
2024-03-16 01:42:41 183.03MB GoogleChrome AppleM1
2024-02-29 15:37:12 17KB Google Play