虚幻引擎4的运行时网格组件 在这里,您将找到RMC的当前版本。 目前,它仅支持UE4.23和更高版本。 如果您需要对UE4.20-4.22的支持,则需要使用此处提供的v4版本: : 有关安装,用法和其他所有信息, 加入我们的 RMC功能的基本示例可以在找到 在可以找到更高级的示例项目 这个项目是爱的劳动,但不幸的是,爱不能付账! 如果您发现此项目有用,请考虑支持开发! RuntimeMeshComponent或更通常称为RMC,是对UE4中ProceduralMeshComponent(又名PMC)的替代。 RMC效率更高,并具有更多功能,同时允许针对高级用例使用更细粒度的方法,同
2022-09-20 10:29:56 164KB procedural-generation runtime unreal-engine ue4
As the requirements of the semiconductor industry have become more demanding in terms of resolution and speed it has been necessary to push photoresist materials far beyond the capabilities previously envisioned. Currently there is significant worldwide research effort in to so called Next Generation Lithography techniques such as EUV lithography and multibeam electron beam lithography. These developments in both the industrial and the academic lithography arenas have led to the proliferation of numerous novel approaches to resist chemistry and ingenious extensions of traditional photopolymers. Currently most texts in this area focus on either lithography with perhaps one or two chapters on resists, or on traditional resist materials with relatively little consideration of new approaches. This book therefore aims to bring together the worlds foremost resist development scientists from the various community to produce in one place a definitive description of the many approaches to lithography fabrication. Assembles up-to-date information from the world’s premier resist chemists and technique development lithographers on the properties and capabilities of the wide range of resist materials currently under investigationIncludes information on processing and metrology techniquesBrings together multiple approaches to litho pattern recording from academia and industry in one place
2022-09-04 11:23:40 57.27MB 光刻
自今年3月31日起,欧洲市场的新车必须配备eCall系统,目前法规执行的是eCall 2.0标准,是基于GSM/UMTS的in-band modem技术,简单的说是基于语音通道传输最小数据集(MSD),而下一代基于PS域的eCall技术,主要是基于IP技术来实现MSD的上传以及双向的语音通话。
2022-08-23 15:53:07 135KB 下一代泛欧NG-eCall技 IP-Based
随机种子 成熟的随机数生成器库,提供 Xorshift、Xorwow、Mersenne Twister、PCG 和 LCG 的 32 位和 64 位高质量实现。 每个实现一个标准的 API,产生与原始实现完全匹配的数字分布。 强调 避免了困扰其他 javascript 实现的随机数生成器的状态溢出问题。 匹配所有算法的原始创作的 C/C++ 实现的输出。 32 位和 64 位生成器。 适用于所有生成器的简单、通用的 API。 光脚印。 浏览器支持。 ES 样式模块。 安装 npm install random-seedable --save 入门 只想轻松使用随机生成器? 您所要做的就是导入 random,并像使用您自己初始化的生成器一样使用它。 只需导入 random 并调用您喜欢的任何方法, import random from 'random-seedable'
2022-08-10 17:49:28 43KB random random-generation prng xorshift
This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies. . Read more... Abstract: This book highlights state-of-the-art research on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), along with related areas to ensure efficient and Internet-compatible IoT systems. It not only discusses big data security and privacy challenges, but also energy-efficient approaches to improving virtual machine placement in cloud computing environments. Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are ultimately two sides of the same coin, yet extracting, analyzing and managing IoT data poses a serious challenge. Accordingly, proper analytics infrastructures/platforms should be used to analyze IoT data. Information technology (IT) allows people to upload, retrieve, store and collect information, which ultimately forms big data. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years. At the same time, the IoT has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations as to what a fully connected world can offer. Further, the book discusses the analysis of real-time big data to derive actionable intelligence in enterprise applications in several domains, such as in industry and agriculture. It explores possible automated solutions in daily life, including structures for smart cities and automated home systems based on IoT technology, as well as health care systems that manage large amounts of data (big data) to improve clinical decisions. The book addresses the security and privacy of the IoT and big data technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart cities design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, it offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in IoT and big data technologies.
2022-08-07 15:37:29 15.37MB 大数据
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal.
2022-08-04 22:01:11 3.58MB issue
Eric 的 MagicaVoxel 着色器 又名 EMVS。 MagicaVoxel 的着色器,包括地形生成器、高级洪水系统等。 国际化 - 翻译,目标版本: 58 -通过翻译 -授权复制,目标版本: (我正在寻找新的法语翻译。) 项目信息 当前版本: 59 在MIT License下MIT License 安装 将此项目中的shader shader目录中的 .txt 文件复制到您的 MagicaVoxel 安装的shader目录中。 兼容性 版本 兼容 笔记 0.99.5 及之前 EMVS 55 版本后不兼容 及之后 所有 EMVS 版本都兼容 路线图 云生成器 树随机化器。 调试 看到 。 着色器 从版本 55 开始,EMVS不再支持命令执行。 请通过 MagicaVoxel 以后提供的图形选项配置相关参数。 同时,由于
2022-07-30 16:43:23 5.35MB procedural-generation shaders terrain noise
2022-06-29 09:13:31 3.84MB GNN
NLP_pytorch_project 1-聊天机器人 001-transformer_chatbot 实现方式是标准的transformer。 002-bert_chatbot 参考UNILM 2嵌入 001-skipgram-word2vec.py 002-bert.py 003-albert.py 004-NPLM.py 3-NMT 001-transformer_NMT 002-gru_seq2seq_attention 003-lstm_seq2seq_attention 4文本分类 001-TextCNN.py 002-BILSTM+Attention.py 003-CharCNN 004-BERT_Classification 005-ERNIE_Classification 006-ALB
2022-06-14 17:54:50 71.2MB text-classification chatbot mrc text-generation
This text has been created to satisfy the growing demand for knowledge in two emerging areas: adaptive antennas (also known as smart antennas) and Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA was commercialized in the early 1990s by Qualcomm, Inc., a San Diego, California, company that pioneered the use of a classic military concept for the burgeoning cellular telephone industry. Adaptive arrays, first conceptualized in the 1960s with the birth of digital signal processing, only recently have become practical for deployment; the intense growth rates fo wireless services around the world are beckoning for their commercial use.
2022-06-08 08:42:54 18.83MB Smart Antennas CDMA