内容包括 1.SAMS Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed 2006 2.SAMS Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed 2007 3.中文名《WPF揭秘》 4.代码
2022-07-19 18:11:40 14MB SAMS WPF Presentation Foundation
ISEB Foundation levek 考试真题200题,内附答案。有部分试题题目不清晰。
2022-07-10 13:52:06 1.38MB ISTQB Foundation 题库 真题
ITIL v3 Foundation课程预习中文版教材完全版,适合对ITIL知识体系架构的认识与了解。
2022-07-01 14:04:41 6.58MB ITIL ITILV3 ITIL教材
状态机 概述 状态机三要素 状态(state):根据业务抽象出的阶段状态 事件(event):触发状态过渡或满足指定要求的条件 动作(action):符合条件进行状态过渡执行相应的处理 框架 squirrel-foundation 项目结构 Main:启动类,实现状态机的流程控制及状态事件动作的定义 MyCondtion:自定义条件过滤器 MyEvent:自定义事件枚举列表 MyState:自定义状态枚举列表 MyStateMachine:状态机,根据需求实现AbstractStateMachine|StateMachine|AbstractUntypedStateMachine StateListener:自定义监听器,可实现相应方法或使用注解定义监听事件 StateMaker:自定义决策类,用于实现多状态选择 declarative:该包下为声明式注解定义状态机及其实现状态流程控制
2022-06-30 19:49:17 53KB Java
ITIL4 Foundation最新中文文档_204页 _.7z
2022-06-16 18:05:14 8.88MB ITIL4
Three-Dimensional Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Thick Plates on Pasternak Foundation with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions
2022-06-08 18:06:04 3.25MB 研究论文
ITIL 4 Foundation V4_ITILFND_V4-3.pdf
2022-05-08 19:03:52 162KB 文档资料 ITIL
收集整理的ITIL学习资料合集包括(ITIL Foundation中文培训完整版、ITIL-持续服务改进、ITIL-服务设计、ITIL-服务运营、ITIL-服务战略、ITIL-服务转换)文档资料
There are ten data sets. Each of the data sets was generated from a single prompt. Selected respones have an average length of 50 words per response. Some of the essays are dependent upon source information and others are not. All responses were written by students primarily in Grade 10. All responses were hand graded and were double-scored. 这有十个数据集。每个数据集都是从单个提示符生成的。选定的回答平均长度为50字。一些论文是依赖于来源信息和其他不是。所有的回答都是由10年级的学生写的。所有的回答都是手工评分的,并且是双重评分。 bag_of_words_benchmark.csv length_benchmark.csv public_leaderboard_solution.csv test.csv Guidelines for Transcribing Student Essays.pdf The Hewlett Foundation Short Answer Scoring_datasets.txt
2022-04-27 22:17:39 189KB 数据集