FastReport VCL is an additional component to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport provides all the necessary tools for developing reports, including a visual report editor, a report engine and a viewport.
2024-01-05 14:33:50 5.35MB fastreport delphi
VCL-component set for generate reports and documents. It provides a visual templates designer, access to the most popular datasources, a reporting engine, preview, export filters to 30+formats and deployment to clouds, web, e-mail and print;
2024-01-05 12:45:51 9.07MB delphi
安装程序,一键安装,可设置为中文 在xe10上亲测安装成功 FastReport® 5.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Borland® Delphi 7-2006, Borland® C++Builder 2006, Turbo Delphi/C++Builder, CodeGear® Delphi 2007, CodeGear® C++Builder 2007, CodeGear® Delphi 2009, CodeGear® C++Builder 2009, Embarcadero® Delphi 2010, Embarcadero ® C++Builder 2010, Embarcadero® Delphi XE, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE, Embarcadero® Delphi XE2, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE2, Embarcadero® Delphi XE3, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE3, Embarcadero® Delphi XE4, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero® Delphi XE5, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE5, Embarcadero® Delphi XE6, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE6, Embarcadero® Delphi XE7, Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE7, Embarcadero® Delphi XE8 and Embarcadero ® C++Builder XE8, Embarcadero® Delphi 10 Seattle and Embarcadero ® C++Builder 10 Seattle environments.
2023-12-29 21:54:00 26.59MB FASTREPORT delphi xe10
2023-12-29 20:49:31 10.43MB Fastreport
使用目录下recompile.exe 编译,选择第4步.What you want to do 先选择 Recompile all packages 编译全部包,然后再选择Change language to:Chinese编译中文包
2023-12-28 23:07:16 72.15MB fastreport
2023-11-16 11:32:54 18.91MB
FastReport.Net是一款适用于Windows Forms, ASP.NET和MVC框架的功能齐全的报表分析解决方案。可用在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005到2015,支持.Net Framework 2.0到4.x。 使用FastReport.Net,您能创建独立于应用程序的报表。也就是说,FastReport.Net能作为一款独立的报表工具进行运用。 功能特点 通过内置脚本实现交互分析与数据处理 多数据源支持 方便的报表打印与输出 容量小、速度快 支持导入和导出RDL格式的图表 丰富的报表元素 以C#语言编写而成并只包含可托管的代码 强大的可扩展性 支持水晶报表转换 强大的可视化设计器 提供完整的源代码 合理的价格与授权规则
2023-11-01 09:39:50 49.99MB FR 报表
DELPHI 7、DELPHI XE、DELPHI 11均可安装使用 FastReport 2022-3 VCL Enterprise Source源码。内附安装说明。 详见“安装步骤.txt”
2023-10-23 20:49:45 38.15MB Fastreport Delphi Source VCL
1 1.6 完美破解版 支持vs2010 B/S打印
2023-09-05 09:34:48 14.65MB fastreport 1.6
FastReport5.6.2_fullSource_D7_Dxe10.2 自测可用 用在了 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 复制目录FastReport5.6.2FS到 C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\
2023-08-23 11:46:17 17.94MB Delphi FastReport