vSphere 7的全面支持,从而可以保护在最新VMware版本上运行的虚拟机。必须安装VMware虚拟磁盘开发套件(VDDK)v7才能启用增量备份支持。
2021-12-08 20:59:20 22.82MB VDDK Linux Micro Focus
2021-12-05 19:44:16 1.83MB Auto-Focus
Focus On 3D Terrain Programming,聚焦3D地形编程技术,英文版(PDF版和CHM版),本书共八章,前四章以翻译完毕,并附在文件的word中,其他章节未完待续。
2021-11-24 09:41:27 32.18MB Focus On 3D Terrain
2021-11-20 13:05:58 2.08MB
2021-11-16 20:15:47 6KB Focus 滚动条位置 焦点 控件
1) Basic concepts of Auto Focus Algorithm 1.1) AF Detection methods There are two focus detection (AF) methods. 1) Distance detection method. 2) Contrast detection method. 1.1.1) Distance detection method The distance detection method is that the camera use AF module for detecting distance for main objects. If the camera is used this AF method, it will not need to use CCD to detect object’s contrast. There are three types of AF modules. 1. Active AF module 2. Passive AF module 3. TTL AF module Active AF module Active AF systems measure distance to the subject independently of the optical system, and subsequently adjust the optical system for correct focus. There are various ways to measure distance, including ultrasonic sound waves and infrared light. In the first case, sound waves are emitted from the camera, and by measuring the delay in their reflection, distance to the subject is calculated. Polaroid cameras were known for successfully applying this system. In the latter case, infrared light is usually used to triangulate the distance to the subject. An exception to the two-step approach is the mechanical autofocus provided in some enlargers, which adjust the lens directly. Passive AF module Passive AF systems determine correct focus by performing passive analysis of the image that is entering the optical system. They generally do not direct any energy, such as ultrasonic sound or infrared light waves, toward the subject. (However, an autofocus assist beam of usually infrared light is required when there is not enough light to take passive measurements.) Passive autofocusing can be achieved by phase detection or contrast measurement.
2021-11-12 17:04:11 259KB Auto F af 相机
WaveSDK,HTC VIVE Focus开发开发工具包,2.0.37版本(非最新)
2021-11-07 20:01:54 187.42MB HTC VIVE VR
焦点深度 离焦/散焦深度是从场景的两个或多个图像的集合中估计场景的 3D 表面的问题。 图像是通过改变相机参数(通常是焦点设置或图像平面轴向位置)获得的,并从相同的角度拍摄。 要求 要运行此代码,您需要安装一个包 。 它必须按照各自项目页面上的说明单独安装。 管道 1. 图像对齐:基于特征的对齐 [1, 2, 3] 将 RGB 图像 A 和 B 转换为灰度图像 A' 和 B' 检测SIFT特征 A' 和 B' 匹配 A' 和 B' 之间的特征 计算 A' 和 B' 之间的单应性 使用单应性将 A 与 B 对齐 对所有图像序列(焦点堆栈)重复 1)~5)。 2. 焦点测量的初始深度 [4, 5, 6, 7] Focus Measure 算子计算图像中的最佳聚焦点,即Focus Measure 被定义为用于局部评估像素锐度的量。 当以小景深拍摄图像时,远离相机的物体会失焦并被认为是模糊
焦点深度 捕获具有不同焦点设置的一系列图像,使用这些图像找到场景中每个像素的深度,然后使用此深度图来估计全焦图像
2021-10-24 11:10:01 27.25MB MATLAB
2021-10-16 18:04:17 888KB HTC focus user guide