Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux By 作者: Derek Molloy ISBN-10 书号: 1119533163 ISBN-13 书号: 9781119533160 Edition 版本: 2 出版日期: 2019-01-07 pages 页数: (782) Contents at a Glance Part I Beagle Board Basics 1 Chapter 1 The Beagle Hardware Platform 3 Chapter 2 Beagle Software 31 Chapter 3 Exploring Embedded Linux Systems 71 Chapter 4 Interfacing Electronics 139 Chapter 5 Practical Beagle Board Programming 185 Part II Interfacing, Controlling, and Communicating 245 Chapter 6 Interfacing to the Beagle Board Input/Outputs 247 Chapter 7 Cross-Compilation, Eclipse, and Building Linux 307 Chapter 8 Interfacing to the Beagle Board Buses 341 Chapter 9 Interacting with the Physical Environment 401 Chapter 10 Real-Time Interfacing Using External Slave Processors 455 Part III Advanced Beagle Board Systems 495 Chapter 11 The Internet of Things 497 Chapter 12 Wireless Communication and Control 555 Chapter 13 Beagle Board with a Rich User Interface 599 Chapter 14 Images, Video, and Audio 643 Chapter 15 Real-Time Interfacing with the PRU-ICSS 673 Chapter 16 Embedded Kernel Programming 717
2021-11-07 15:47:29 30.38MB Hardware,Li
Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Why Linux? Section 1.2. Embedded Linux Today Section 1.3. Open Source and the GPL Section 1.4. Standards and Relevant Bodies Section 1.5. Chapter Summary Chapter 2. Your First Embedded Experience Section 2.1. Embedded or Not? Section 2.2. Anatomy of an Embedded System Section 2.3. Storage Considerations Section 2.4. Embedded Linux Distributions Section 2.5. Chapter Summary Chapter 3. Processor Basics Section 3.1. Stand-alone Processors Section 3.2. Integrated Processors: Systems on Chip Section 3.3. Hardware Platforms Section 3.4. Chapter Summary Chapter 4. The Linux KernelA Different Perspective Section 4.1. Background Section 4.2. Linux Kernel Construction Section 4.3. Kernel Build System Section 4.4. Obtaining a Linux Kernel Section 4.5. Chapter Summary Chapter 5. Kernel Initialization Section 5.1. Composite Kernel Image: Piggy and Friends Section 5.2. Initialization Flow of Control Section 5.3. Kernel Command Line Processing Section 5.4. Subsystem Initialization Section 5.5. The init Thread Section 5.6. Chapter Summary Chapter 6. System Initialization Section 6.1. Root File System Section 6.2. Kernel's Last Boot Steps Section 6.3. The Init Process Section 6.4. Initial RAM Disk Section 6.5. Using initramfs Section 6.6. Shutdown Section 6.7. Chapter Summary Chapter 7. Bootloaders Section 7.1. Role of a Bootloader Section 7.2. Bootloader Challenges Section 7.3. A Universal Bootloader: Das U-Boot Section 7.4. Porting U-Boot Section 7.5. Other Bootloaders Section 7.6. Chapter Summary Chapter 8. Device Driver Basics Section 8.1. Device Driver Concepts Section 8.2. Module Utilities Section 8.3. Driver Methods Section 8.4. Bringing It All Together Section 8.5. Device Drivers and the GPL Section 8.6. Chapter Summary Chapter 9. File Systems Section 9.1. Linux File System Concepts Section 9.2. ext2 Section 9.3. ext3 Section 9.4. ReiserFS Section 9.5. JFFS2 Section 9.6. cramfs Section 9.7. Network File System Section 9.8. Pseudo File Sys
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Designing Embedded Hardware steers a course between those books dedicated to writing code for particular microprocessors, and those that stress the philosophy of embedded system design without providing any practical information. Loaded with real examples, this book also provides a roadmap to the pitfalls and traps to avoid. If you want to build your own embedded system, or tweak an existing one, this invaluable book gives you the understanding and practical skills you need.
构建嵌入式Linux系统 中文版 pdf Building Embedded Linux Systems
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Linux Device Drivers Development: Develop customized drivers for embedded Linux AZW3版(kindle格式),可以用开源软件calibre-ebook(https://calibre-ebook.com/)打开,里面的图片可以用该软件还原到原本的大图,非常清楚。比PDF转换版的清楚很多。 本书配套源码也包含在zip包中,免去读者下载的麻烦。 本书对Linux内核4.9版的驱动开发进行了全面的讲解,思路清晰,深入浅出,满满的干货,比起国内动不动就复制一大坨代码再写写代码注释的XX书,高出一个级别。本书轻松易读,多动手修改调试随书源码能很快入门。
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The Embedded Linux System Design and Development source code This book is worth reading.
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嵌入式Linux手册 本手册或手册,指南或参考资料或任何您想调用的内容,旨在简化构建嵌入式Linux系统的过程。 这是什么 嵌入式Linux中许多较晦涩的概念的简单参考,特别是对于初学者。 它将告诉您使用设备树的基础知识,以及设备树的更高级功能,设备驱动程序如何工作以及如何使用其中的一些功能。 不是什么 这并非旨在作为教程。 如果您正在寻找教程,那么互联网上可能有很多起点,从Raspberry Pi论坛和指南到BeagleBone以及其他类似平台的文档和示例。 如果您正在寻找关于如何从用户空间使用设备驱动程序的详尽,详尽和深入的指南,那么您来的地方就错了。 这纯粹是作为参考。 其他所有内容都可以在内核的文档或网络上的其他地方找到。 背景 在尝试了我们公司在定制硬件(特别是使用Octavo Systems OSD3358 SiP)上的嵌入式Linux中的首次尝试之后,我发现几乎没有文档,而且
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构建嵌入式Linux系统(第二版) 英文原版 Building Embedded Linux Systems 2nd Edition
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