2021-04-25 09:07:56 108KB 人工智能 启发式算法
Relational database systems have traditionally optimized for I/O performance and organized records sequentially on disk pages using the N-ary Storage Model (NSM) (a.k.a., slotted pages). Recent research, however, indicates that cache utilization and performance is becoming increasingly important on modern platforms. In this paper, we first demonstrate that in-page data placement is the key to high cache performance and that NSM exhibits low cache utilization on modern platforms. Next, we propose a new data organization model called PAX (Partition Attributes Across), that significantly improves cache performance by grouping together all values of each attribute within each page. Because PAX only affects layout inside the pages, it incurs no storage penalty and does not affect I/O behavior. According to our experimental results (which were obtained without using any indices on the participating relations), when compared to NSM (a) PAX exhibits superior cache and memory bandwidth utilization, saving at least 75% of NSM’s stall time due to data cache accesses, (b) range selection queries and updates on memory-resident relations execute 17-25% faster, and (c) TPC-H queries involving I/O execute 11-48% faster. Finally, we show that PAX performs well across different memory system designs.
2021-03-30 18:01:40 196KB 存储格式
In this paper we present Ontop, an open-source Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA that avoids materializing triples and that is implemented through query rewriting techniques, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL 2 QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases
2021-03-16 12:02:50 592KB Ontop sparql 知识图谱
注意这不是官方支持的Google产品。 布谷鸟指数 概述 ( ,CI)是一种轻量级的二级索引结构,它以节省空间的方式表示键和列分区之间的多对多关系。 CI的核心是将大小可变的指纹与指示合格分区的压缩位图相关联。 它解决什么问题? 传统上,通过为每个分区维护一个过滤器(例如Bloom过滤器)来索引该分区中包含的所有唯一键值,来查找可能包含给定查找关键字的所有分区的问题得以解决: Partition 0: A, B => Bloom filter 0 Partition 1: B, C => Bloom filter 1 ... 要识别包含密钥的所有分区,我们需要探查所有每个分区的过滤器(可能很多)。 由于布隆过滤器可能会返回假阳性,因此我们有可能(例如1%)意外地将阴性分区识别为阳性。 在上面的示例中,对键A的查找可能返回分区0(真肯定)和1(假肯定)。 根据存储介质的不同,错误的肯定
2021-03-05 18:14:12 734KB P.1203 主观质量评价
2021-02-06 09:05:24 1.04MB visualization ggplot2 r databases
香草芯 VanillaCore是一个单节点,多线程关系数据库引擎,部分支持SQL-92标准,并通过JDBC,嵌入或(基于Java的)存储过程提供连接。 必备工具 您将需要以下工具来编译和运行此项目: Java Development Kit 1.7(或更高版本) Maven 入门 本教程将教您如何启动数据库服务器并与之交互。 编译源并将其打包到jar中 这个项目是一个Maven项目。 您可以使用Maven通过一个命令来编译源代码并将类打包到jar文件中: (请注意,此命令还会触发测试阶段,该阶段将运行该项目中的所有测试用例。您可以使用下一条命令跳过测试阶段。) > mvn package 运行测试用例可能需要很长时间(在我们的案例中约为3分钟)。 如果要跳过测试阶段,请使用以下命令: > mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true 该jar文件将命名为core-0.4.0.jar ,位于项目的target文件夹中。 启动VanillaCore服务器 要启动VanillaCore服务器,请使用以下命令: (请用您的数据库名称替换{DB Name}
2021-01-30 23:03:56 504KB sql databases rdms SQLJava
司法概念基金会。 整个实体,请先进行描述,然后再进行“现代概念组织”( )的描述。 排序,生产子图关联, 与子模式关联( ), , , 等。 Ci-dessous,没有 。 L'appel du program se fait enpremièreligne,un texte d'entréedonnélignes suivantes。 %%mocodo --mld --colors brewer+1 --shapes copperplate --relations diagram markdown_data_dict DF, 11 Élève, 1N Classe Class
2021-01-28 11:24:54 642KB svg drawing sql relational-databases
Building Enterprise-Grade Blockchain Databases with MongoDB
2021-01-28 02:57:17 1.89MB Blockchain MongoDB
Welcome to this book on building Enterprise Databases with mORMot and Elevate Web Builder, all using Object Pascal.
2020-01-03 11:19:29 3.71MB delphi datab