Numpy学习教程苹果股票数据 data.csv。主要用于Numpy学习时使用
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HLTV数据可视化 可视化从数据 目前仅显示从2012年8月到2021年3月的每月武器使用情况统计信息。 在此处查看预览: : 建造 // Setup project dependencies npm install // Start npm server npm start // Build web app for deployment npm run-script build 去做 修复了Firefox中SVG文本组件的字体大小问题。 执照 MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Kartik Sharma Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
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程序员角度解析data mining的算法,对data mining的算法做了有趣的描述。
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Reinforcement Learning An Introduction.pdf 2017年11月 445页
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Phishing_Website_Detection:该项目基于使用随机森林分类公式检测网络钓鱼欺诈性网站。 使用Python编程语言和Django框架实现
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IBM.Data.DB2 DLL个版本整合包,连接数据库时需要用到的各个版本都有。
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Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts by Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce English | ISBN: 1491952962 | 2016 A key component of data science is statistics and machine learning, but only a small proportion of data scientists are actually trained as statisticians. This concise guide illustrates how to apply statistical concepts essential to data science, with advice on how to avoid their misuse. Many courses and books teach basic statistics, but rarely from a data science perspective. And while many data science resources incorporate statistical methods, they typically lack a deep statistical perspective. This quick reference book bridges that gap in an accessible, readable format.
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