mtk drm lcm driver porting guide,for kernel-4.14 user drm core.
2022-03-01 18:43:26 1.08MB MTK lcm drm
MIPI DSI-2 Spec V1.0 协议
2022-02-25 14:11:30 1.53MB 协议 MIPI
MIPI 规范 2.0 标准文档 (Version 1.0 – MIPI Board Adopted 14 January 2016) 1.1 Scope Interface protocols as well as a description of signal timing relationships are within the scope of this document. Electrical specifications and physical specifications are out of scope for this document. In addition, legacy interfaces such as DPI-2 and DBI-2 are also out of scope for this document. Furthermore, device usage of auxiliary buses such as I2C or SPI, while not precluded by this Specification, are also not within its scope. 1.2 Purpose The Display Serial Interface Specification defines a high-speed serial interface between a peripheral, such as an active-matrix display module, and a host processor in a mobile device. By standardizing this interface, components may be developed that provide higher performance, lower power, less EMI and fewer pins than current devices, while maintaining compatibility across products from multiple vendors.
2022-01-25 11:23:57 1.6MB MIPI DSI STANDARD SPEC
ICN6201 /02 is a bridge chip which receives MIPI DSI inputs and sends LVDS outputs. MIPI DSI supports up to 4 lanes and each lane operates at 1Gbps maximum; the totally maximum input bandwidth is 4Gbps ; and the MIPI defined ULPS(ultra - low -power state) is also supported . ICN6201 decodes MIPI DSI 18bepp RGB666 and 24bpp RGB888 packets. The LVDS output 18 or 24 bits pixel with 25MHz to 154MHz, by VESA or JEIDA format. ICN6201 /02 support video resolution up to FHD (1920x1080) and WUXGA (1920x1200). ICN6201 adopts QFN48 package and ICN6202 adopts QFN40 package.
2022-01-10 19:03:57 1.04MB DSI LVDS 6202 6201
关于mipi DSI接口的介绍(官方全英文资料),主要适用于mipi接口屏幕的驱动。
2022-01-06 12:08:58 1.1MB mipi DSI
MIPI Alliance Specification for Display Serial Interface
2021-12-31 16:23:18 1.19MB MIPI DSI
2021-12-31 09:52:05 1.68MB mipi协议
2021-12-29 10:15:02 33.72MB Geomodeling,地质建模 GOCAD,DSI
The Display Serial Interface Specification defines protocols between a host processor and peripheral devices that adhere to MIPI Alliance specifications for mobile device interfaces. The DSI specification builds on existing specifications by adopting pixel formats and command set defined in MIPI Alliance specifications for DBI-2[2], DPI-2[3], and DCS[1].
2021-12-15 18:58:58 806KB MIPI官网下载
2021-12-07 10:05:59 5.07MB MIPI协议 CSI协议 DSI协议