Data analysis expressions (DAX) is the formula language of Power Pivot. Learning the DAX language is key to empower Excel users so they can take advantage of these new Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities. This volume clearly explains the concepts of Power Pivot while at the same time offering hands-on practice to engage the reader and help new knowledge stick
2021-06-13 00:28:02 6.59MB Excel DAX
Turbocharge your Power BI model by adding advanced DAX programming techniques Know when to use calculated measures versus calculated columns Generate new tables on the fly from existing data Optimize, monitor, and tune Power BI to improve performance of your models Discover new ideas, tricks, and time-saving techniques for better models
2021-06-07 17:37:08 5.61MB Beginning DAX with Power
2021-05-13 10:21:10 826KB DAX,PowerBI
本资源包括powerbi入门系列视频1~16的所有课件和数据。下载后需要更改数据源,否则powerbi desktop会报错。更改方法视频中有,可以私信我要链接。资料的使用中出现问题,也可以私信我。抱歉,视频是保证免费给大家看的,但是课件材料确实是我花了很多时间准备的,所以要象征性的支付点费用,纯免费的话,我自己心里过意不去,哈哈。请您谅解。但相比市面上的网课来说,已经是很低了。再就是,请尊重版权,不要二次上传交易。
2021-04-14 17:02:43 29.80MB powerbi DAX
玩转BI,利用大数据,找到bussiness insight! 全新的BI软件!
2019-12-21 22:03:08 36KB bi