经典计算机操作系统教材第三版,详细内容可见亚马逊。 https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspective-Engineering/dp/0134123832/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1541476471&sr=8-2&keywords=computer+systems+a+programmer's+perspective Computer systems: A Programmer’s Perspective explains the underlying elements common among all computer systems and how they affect general application performance. Written from the programmer’s perspective, this book strives to teach readers how understanding basic elements of computer systems and executing real practice can lead them to create better programs. Spanning across computer science themes such as hardware architecture, the operating system, and systems software, the Third Edition serves as a comprehensive introduction to programming. This book strives to create programmers who understand all elements of computer systems and will be able to engage in any application of the field--from fixing faulty software, to writing more capable programs, to avoiding common flaws. It lays the groundwork for readers to delve into more intensive topics such as computer architecture, embedded systems, and cyber security. This book focuses on systems that execute an x86-64 machine code, and recommends that programmers have access to a Linux system for this course. Programmers should have basic familiarity with C or C++. Personalize Learning with MasteringEngineering MasteringEngineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results through personalized learning. This innovative online program emulates the instructor’s office hour environment, engaging and guiding students through engineering concepts with self-paced individualized coaching With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts.
2023-12-09 17:33:05 7.06MB 操作系统
中文版和英文版 非常难找到的 答:狗能携带21 千兆字节或者168千兆位的数据。18 公里/小时的速度等于0.005 公里/秒,走过x 公里的时 间为x / 0.005 = 200x 秒, 产生的数据传输速度为168/200x Gbps或者840 /x Mbps。因此,与通信线路相比较,若x<5.6 公里,狗有更高的速度。 SOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER 1 PROBLEMS 1. The dog can carry 21 gigabytes, or 168 gigabits. A speed of 18 km/hour equals 0.005 km/sec. The time to travel distance x km is x /0.005 = 200x sec, yielding a data rate of 168/200x Gbps or 840/x Mbps. For x < 5.6 km, the dog has a higher rate than the communication line.
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火炬指标 PyTorch的模型评估指标 火炬指标作为自定义库,以提供Pytorch共同ML评价指标,类似于tf.keras.metrics 。 如,Pytorch没有用于模型评估指标的内置库torch.metrics 。 这类似于的指标库。 用法 pip install --upgrade torch-metrics from torch_metrics import Accuracy ## define metric ## metric = Accuracy ( from_logits = False ) y_pred = torch . tensor ([ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]) y_true = torch . tensor ([ 0 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]) print ( metric ( y_pred , y_true )) ## define metri
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