cai-nav-0.4.0.rar 添加plugins cai-nmgen-rcn.dll 在unity 64位编辑器报错的覆盖文件
2021-11-06 18:36:26 16.82MB cai-nav-0.4.0.ra
使用xiyueta库写采集图片 v1.0
2021-09-02 22:02:47 707KB xiyueta xiyueta库 asp asp采集
数字信号处理 程佩青 配套多媒体CAI 4.0 良心的资源
2021-07-27 21:38:30 110.85MB 数字信号处理 CAI 4. 良心的资源
屏幕上随机出现一个汉语单词,英语单词,汉语词组,英语词组或一短 句提示小学生给出相应答案, 答错了要提示要求重新输入,直到答对为止。 要统计给分,且累计,够一定分数后可进级,即从单词到词组,从 词组到短句。同样,也可降级。 起步阶段可各选 30 个,软件可扩充,即 扩大词库的容量。 (rand(),#include 结构体、文件或数组)
2021-07-22 16:11:05 1.06MB c++
#GrNMF R 包 该包是 Deng Cai 2008 年论文“流形上的非负矩阵分解”中描述的图形约束 NMF 算法的实现。 使用包 有关文档和使用示例,请参阅 R 中的help(GrNMF) 。
2021-07-12 14:05:01 13KB R
2021-07-03 19:03:08 228KB MATLAB 数据处理 仿真研究 论文期刊
Optical Metamaterials Fundamentals and Applications This book deals with optical metamaterials – artificially structured materials with nanoscale inclusions and strikingly unconventional properties at optical frequencies. These materials can be treated as macroscopically homogeneous media and can exhibit a variety of unusual and exciting responses to light. Man-made materials with subwavelength inclusions have been purposely utilized by artists and craftsmen for centuries, as indicated by a number of glass vessels ranging from the late Roman era to the Renaissance period. However, optical metamaterials have flourished only in the present century thanks to combined advances in nanofabrication, numerical modeling, and characterization tools. In only a few years, the field of optical metamaterials has emerged as one of the most exciting topics in the science of light, with stunning and unexpected outcomes that have repeatedly fascinated researchers, scientists, and even the general public.
2021-06-22 20:02:18 5.67MB Wenshan Cai Vladimir Shalaev
数字信号处理 程佩青 配套多媒体CAI 4.0 很好的资源,良心产品
2021-06-12 22:15:18 181.89MB 数字信号处理 程佩青 多媒体CAI
计算机组成原理 第四版 白中英 科学出版社2008 CAI FLASH演示动画考研,期末考试必备用浏览器或FLASH PLAYER打开播放
2021-04-29 16:09:37 50.45MB 白中英 考研 演示 讲义